Aug 04, 2005 21:19
ok me and eric went to allees and lyndsees and we got thereat like 9 and then they were afraid to comeout side so me and eric went home and then came back at like 5:30 and still havent went to bed but we were only at there house for like an hour then allee went to bed but eric was drinkingadn shit smoking and oh boi well when hegot on the harley he fell asleep on the way home then my mom was hme so we couldent go home so we went to venis damn we went like 300 liels we were out riding for like 4 hours then we got bac adn my harley was all screwed up like fuck so we fixed it and then i went to c if it would work and it was like so much faster hells yea but then i was hauling asss and then a gay as fucking cop pulled out n front of a car damn so now im not aloud to ride it