What have I gotten myself into?

Sep 17, 2007 22:37

School started the last week in August. I have been here since the 9th and pretty much haven't looked back one bit since the moment my white whale (sebering) decided to die. I spent a few weeks with my mom's REALLY nice car, until I got one of my own. It, too, is pretty nice and I really enjoy it. School has been in full swing for a few weeks now. We're staring on what is it now week 4? Shit. I have barely had time to breathe, let alone update this thing. So, sorry for the few of you that still exist in the LJ world. I am currently taking 16 credits, along with being a resident assistant and the National Communications Coordinator for our Residence Halls Association. I am also part of the Unity Project which is a dissertation project for someone regarding diversity. I have never been so busy in my entire life. I barely have time to think about anything before the next thing comes flying in and hits me in the face. Not only have my classes been ridiculous, this job is SO demanding... I could have never guessed. (I LOVE IT though.) I have made so many amazing friends this year... I would not change anything about it for the world. (Except maybe Ryan being gone.) Speaking of Ryan... things with him have been amazing. Absolutely amazing. I don't know how else to explain it except that I told Kara the day she introduced me to him that I was going to marry him. We'll see where that takes me... eventually. I think we'll have to get over this deployment first.

I will write more sometime, just thought I'd get my voice out there to let everyone know I'm still alive and kicking, somewhat.

I miss you!!!
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