Nov 28, 2008 11:30

Is anyone who's friended to this journal listening to Hey Monday? (Jackie...yes. I know lol.)

Like no seriously, how many of you have given their album a listen? I'm sure you can find everything on youtube. So please do. Because they are extra-ordinary and I adore them.

So please take some time, give them a quick spin, as they say. Pete Wentz would be your friend if you do! But also they are just awesome. and I can not wait to see them explode. Already just from seeing them in LA to seeing them in NYC there were like 50 more kids hanging around wanting to talk to them. Which as a side note was epic as all shit. And I guess now is as good a time as any for me to explain that Myself, Jersey (bass) and Elliot (Drums) all were (in my case currently) employed by the same company. So I got Jersey a teeshirt from said company by stealing it from work. And he was thrilled. So he called for Elliot to look and see. Like "Elliot! Elliot!! ELLIOT!!" and then Elliot looked, saw the shirt and asked if I was there! BAHAHHAHA FANGIRLFANGIRLFANGIRL! So I pushed through the MASS of people around itty bitty Cassadee to get over to Elliot and ALL THE LITTLE GIRLS WERE WATCHING ME! I was freaked out, to say the least. Well actually at the time I wasn't, but NOW I am. Like whatever. Don't watch me give Elliot cookies, it's weird. I'm not cool. LOL.

Here, have a picspam!

I am fairly sure I stole almost all of these from their FOE account. Elliot takes a lot of pictures and puts them up, but he is not alone. I think everyone has an iPhone? Almost everyone? Yeah iPhone...woot!

So you know how every band has THAT picture that they have everywhere and every time you find an article or whatever the people sourced that picture? This is THAT picture for Hey Monday. From Left To Right we have Jersey (Bass) Mike (Lead Guitar) Cassadee (Vocals) Elliot (Drums) and Alex (Rhythm Guitar). Their powers combined = awesomeness.

this is Cassadee and she is the cutest little thing. Like take her home in my pocket kind of cute and tiny. I adore her.

Now my source here is just speaking to other people in the "scene", but I guess she was kinda a Fall Out Boy/Pete Wentz Fan, which is awesome. Because now he's kinda her boss. I mean that's kinda like me and my boss. I was totally a fan first.

Instead of talking about how much I love Cassadee's face forever, let's talk about the pickle on the pancakes.

But seriously, THAT FACE!

She sings her heart out on stage. Like this is a band where the album is great, it's fun, I enjoy it, but the LIVE show. DAMN. Cobra Starship is still the best band I've ever had the chance to see open, because they really get you pumped for the show ahead. Hey Monday is a VERY Close second. VERY CLOSE!

I mean I wish I were being goofy with Travis from We The Kings. (iPHONE!!! lawlz)

OR being goofy with Elliot. Um since that makes for a simple transition...

Elliot! At the Bean! in Chicago!!! With his iPhone! See I wasn't lying!

Elliot is the most-putting-pictures-on-FOE. I haven't decided yet if this makes him the bloggiest, but if you scroll through the Hey Monday FOE blog you see a lot is being fed through Elliot's Twitter or Photoblog.

More or less I think Elliot is amazingly nice and totally made of Win. Always.

I'm trying to think of something else to say, but words really aren't coming to me. Whatever.

Yay for Jersey! Who's real name is Mike, but he is from NJ so apparently this means that the kids from Florida call him Jersey? Someday I will get a full story on that because like, I really don't f-ing know. But he's Jersey on facebook so that's good times. So I conversed with fellow Hey Monday Street teamer Jackie, who got to hang out with Hey Monday folks at a small show in CA on the Why So Serious tour. Clearly she is made of win and provided this explanaation: "when jersey joined hey monday, mike gentile was obv already there, so mikey moriarty, being from new jersey was easily and lovingly christened 'jersey' which avoided the mass confusion that one can find in a band like the cab where there is a trifecta of alex-es."

He was brought into the band after their first bassist left and I think it was a good fit. And he's awesome and adorable. Basically I love him. (Wow I'm just getting redundant with this commentary.)

I'm not gonna go dig them up, but he tends to use photoshop a lot on the pictures he takes. I think you can find them on the internet places.


This is Mike! I think his smile might be able to hold it's own against Spencer Smith's. I'm just sayin'.

When I first met Mike- well the guys in Carolina Liar had something to do with it and the results were hillarious.

He and I both got excited that Jac Vanek was at the show and sitting on the other side of the parking lot from where we were talking.

We also talked about how awesome Pete Wentz is forever. OH hi Alex!

This is like the ONLY picture I have of Alex alone. It kinda bums me out. I haven't had the chance to talk to him either, but he seems awesome, if not a little quiet (at least in public.) But I think we can all agree with him that White Castle IS in fact awesome.

At the time of posting this it said they didn't plan to all be dressed in the same American Apparel blue. I have so much American Apparel Purple, actually. It's getting to be a problem.

At the Clandestine Landmark store. Because duuuh.

I have no idea what's happening. But whatever. They are so cute and sweet. I love them.

In conclusion, rock out. And give Hey Monday a chance. I think you'll like it. And if you don't, that's cool. But ya know, think about it?

You know after all this I don't even have a Hey Monday icon??? I'll use this one of Peter because he loves them as much as I do.

(OMG I have to go to the mall and work there and it's black friday omg.)

hey monday, picspam

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