This past week has been very inspirational. After Prop 8 was shot down, immediate rallys and protests were organized, and I am glad of been apart of them, and the many more that are coming. A lot of people have been very supportive with these protests, and others not so much - Which is expected. I've heard a few people saying that what we're doing is a waste of time, and nothing will get changed. I only have this to say, You tell that to the people who fought for interracial marriage to be legal, and see what they have to say.
I've met a lot of great people from the four protests that I've been to, and I hope to meet many more. It's great to see the police supportive as well. I have a little more respect for them, I know they're some decent ones in that workforce, and I saw that finally. Although, I have to say that the protest in Long Beach was probly the most scary thing that I've ever been through in my life. I've never had a gun, or guns for that matter pointed directly at me. I've never felt more powerless in that moment in time, all I could do was stare, and stare directly into that persons eyes and hope that for any reason he felt like what he was doing was wrong. Because at the end of the day, you and I are the same.
I am a person that has a lot of hope. I believe that if we all stick together, and keep expressing our feelings, something will change. I'm almost dissapointed with this generation. Too many people have gotten to comfortable with this country, and do not care about their rights being stripped away left and right. I will fight for equality for everyone, and to restore the rights that have been taken away from our government. Sometimes I feel hopeless because I feel like I'm one of the very few who actually care, but after being at these protests that feeling has been eliminated. This fight is only the beginning, and we will not quit until equality has been given to everyone.