Oct 15, 2008 23:34
I was at the gym earlier, and posted my status as "Jay is at the gym, wanting to smoke a fatty bLunT." exactly those words. Notice how it says, wanting instead of saying that I am actually doing it. Two completely different things.
So I get a new message in my inbox, and it says...
Subject: Hey
"why would you want to smoke a blunt... too bad i cant be friends with people who use drugs
do want to hang with you.. but cant if thats what you do"
Uhh...... Alright? This is coming from someone who is constantly trying to hangout with me, but I've been so busy with my life that I haven't had time to hangout.
So I reply..
?Well I smoke weed, and that's something that I do. I don't do it often, but I do every once in great while. I don't consider marajuana a drug at all, their are other things out their that are more harmful to yourself than weed.
But hey to each his own I guess.
Their responce...
"lol thats cool.. i just am looking for postive people.. not saying your not.. but i just cant have it around me.. or i go back to jail. not trying to pre judge.. but i know first hand actually how harmful weed is.. and in certin ways it is worse than hardcore drugs.. mentally it is.. alot of people say hey its just weed.. but it really isnt. its causes more damage than you think.. trust me... not to lecture
to each is his own.. but i just thought you were a chill gu y and eventually would like to hang with ya
I respond back...
"Oh. Well that's too bad then you changed your mind. Nice chatting with you. Good luck."
I mean, I had to cut it short like that because obvioulsy this person thinks I am a negative influence, and has already passed judgement on me when they clearly don't know whats up with me, and what I'm all about..
So I get this responce..
"lol so you just write me off??? okay.. looks like the pot head wins.. ha ha.. go ahead and do your drugs... weed is a drug and harmful dont think other wise.. hopefully you realize that someday
dont want to be friends with drug addicts anyways"
Whoa. I smoke pot, yes, but I am not in anyway, shape or form a drug addict. I don't have an addiction, and for anyone who knows me I have complete control of my life, and that I stand by my actions 100%. I really don't think of pot as a drug. I mean I would rather be smoking the all natural stuff from the earth, then lets say, meth or something stupid like that. So I respond...
Ha... I didn't write anyone off, if anything you wrote me off. You've already made your judgements about me apparently, and you don't even know me. I understand you're looking for a "positive influence" in your life, and I truly hope you find those types of people, but Im nor going to change for anything, or anyone, that's just me, but I guess you didn't feel like sticking around to get to know that part."
I don't feel like I should give anyone the time of day when they can't even get to know who I am, and what my story is. I'm straight up, and a very honest person. I've been told that I'm very real and thats something that I'm not going to change. I shouldn't have to change, for anyone or for anything. Maybe I'm just being bitter about this whole situation, but I want someone who can take the time to get to know me, and isn't all about sex.