Title: Loving Severus Written for: sl_duel Challenge: a tale of misfortune Rating: R Summary: Lucius has a time turner, and uses it to go forward in time... Word Count: ~1500
uh, I did see it coming, sorry *g* But I loved it anyway, and I thought that Snape was going to get away with it (though it'd have been a weaker story if he had). This was really good.
to be honest, I thought it was about the most obvious plot device I've ever used. I'm not bothered by the fact that you saw it coming: I expected people to. So I'm glad it worked anyway, because that was the effect I was aiming for (obvious but still not too bad).
Well, I'm stunned it surprised anyone, especially the people (and there were a few) who knew that part of the prompt for this included the words 'mistaken identities'. So I presumed that there was no way it could be a shock. The only point was supposed to be that it surprised Lucius at the end...
Yes, and I thought it was a really good thing that you didn't tell us about how Lucius felt then but left us to imagine it (because it was SO COOL that Lucius had no idea).
Yeah, exactly, and when you think of it like that it's like well, DUH, but because we see more of Draco than of Lucius, we know exactly who Snape thinks he's seeing.
Or apparently, most of us don't ;-) But the intention was just as you put it :)
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