On the Eighth Day of Christmas An Author Wrote For Me
Eight Starring Peter
(Seven Jealous Lovers
Six Bits of Het
Five OTPs
Four Remus Centric
Three Pieces of Angst
Two Harry/Dracos
And a Fic Starring Snape and Harry)
If Day 5 was my favourite, this is beyond a shadow of doubt my least favourite day. I can't write Peter. It shows. Sorry.
Peter prose
26 words
Peter may someday forgive Sirius for his callous, cold, teasing; may even forgive Snape for his vicious contempt - but he’ll never, never forgive Lily her pity.
23 words
Peter will never forget the one and only time James kissed him - or forgive Sirius for being the one James wanted to kiss.
110 words
Peter’s breath was hot, and slightly acrid. Harry tried not to move; tried to pretend that he couldn’t feel him, that this wasn’t happening.
“Just one kiss, Harry,” he whispered. “It’s all I ask. James would never kiss me. He was so cruel - how could I forgive him for it?”
Harry froze. Was that really it? The reason for Peter’s betrayal taken down to the lowest common denominator - sex. His whole body paralysed, he waited and felt warm moist lips placed on his and he tried not to shudder his distaste.
And when Peter had finished, Harry waited until he was out of the room, then turned over and cried.
201 words
“I arrest you in the name of the Order.” The stern, deep voice came seemingly from nowhere.
Peter jumped and trembled, wide eyes staring over his shoulder in terror. Sirius sighed impatiently as he walked into the room and leant against the wall.
“Oh, for God’s sake, Wormtail, can’t you take a joke?” He rolled his eyes. “What am I going to arrest you for? Crimes against fashion?” His eyes travelled critically up and down the yellow cotton robe that Peter had bought the day before. “Come to think about it, that might be a good idea. When are you going to accept that yellow isn’t your colour?”
He hated Sirius in that moment. Even as Sirius reached out lazily and said “Come on, how about a kiss for the returning hero?” Peter felt the bile build inside him. He had known for years that Sirius held him in slightly amused contempt - good enough for sex when he hadn’t got laid elsewhere, but otherwise merely to be tolerated - but just recently the anger had been building. And so, even as he did as Sirius asked, and let him kiss him, he knew that he would not turn back from his plan.
17 words
When Peter grew out of his crush on James, he grew into an abiding hatred of him.
49 words
Peter’s palms were sweaty. He looked at the young man laid out before him, as if a delicacy for him to taste. He had seen him so many times before, but never grown into adulthood: had never imagined what he would grow into.
Stirring back to consciousness, Ron groaned.
Peter prose
39 words
For all he denied it, even to himself, there was one moment when he knew he had a choice; knew it, and turned his back on it. Safety would never be his, whichever way he chose - but power might.
113 words
He was an easy target. Almost too easy, mused Lucius, who liked an element of challenge in his conquests. Lacking a little in confidence, privately jealous of his friends’ successes, easily led to admire a stronger character. It was just too simple.
The first meeting: a smile; a suggestion that Lucius found him an interesting companion.
The second meeting: more of the same.
The third meeting: making it clear that he had been actively sought out.
The fourth meeting: a tentative kiss.
By the seventh meeting, surrender was total. He might - perhaps - have steeled himself to reject threats; but to seduction he was all too susceptible. The Dark Lord had another disciple.