Mar 25, 2005 03:09
Now I don't know if he wrote this himself, but it's beautiful and made me think long and hard about well, I really don't want to go there. But I'll tell you guys what.. there's a reason my diary doesn't have entries for two years in between the last few posted. I suggest delving into my past on your own accord instead of asking me... but it's great to remember..
Never Wake...
Does Willow mee Oz once again?
Tune in, for later episodes...
Quiet dreams. Quiet screams.
Soft waves of your voice running me over
Lazy clouds. Crashing stars.
There wasnt too much left to hold onto, now was there?
Your hair, your eyes, your giggle, your nose
They make this thing way too damn hard on me
They expect too fucking much from me...
Run me down. Run me down. Take it slow. So you know,
I never found it all that fun to play these little games
Cause when they're over and you've gone home
Im left playing alone
Quiet dreams. Quiet screams.
Soft soft waves of your voice running me over
Lazy clouds and crashing stars
Show me there's so much to hold onto, so much, so much to hold onto...
Take your stroll, run your wheel, drink your joe, eat your meal
Dont look at me, dont make a sound, Ill die before I let you go
Ill die a million times before I let your memory go
*Stolen from Li3tom3's Journal*