I have a concussion.
1. Have you ever had a serious conversation with your dad?
Eh, I guess so.
2. Hook-up or the whole relationship thing?
3. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
4. Name one person who is the most like you?
Ha, no clue.
5. What is something you really want right now?
To feel better.
6. Who do you have texts from in your inbox?
Corey, Jerry, Raichel, Hannah, Mom.
7. If you could move somewhere else, would you and where would you go?
California.. and I am.
8. Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
I guess.
9. When will your next kiss be?
Who knows.
10. Do you have a best friend to lean on?
11. Can you recall the last time you liked someone?
12. Do you know anybody who was abused?
Funny you should ask.
13. Would you call yourself smart?
Eh, maybe.
14. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for?
Election Day! Haha.
16. Who’s making you feel the way you are right now?
17. Who do you want for President?
18. Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Talking isn't the word.
19. Are you dating the last person you kissed?
20. What was the last thing you bought?
Uhh.. a soda.
21. Do people hate you?
Probably, and I don't care.
22. What are you listening to?
Nothing, my head hurts too much.
23. Have you ever felt replaced?
24. Do you ever turn off your cellphone?
Yeah, atleast once a day for 10 mins.
Makes it less likely to fuck up.
25. Where were you at 11 pm last night?
Going through my shit.
26. What happened at 10:00 am today?
Going through my shit again.
27. How many hours did you sleep last night?
Like 7-ish.
28. Does anyone call you boo?
Ugh, no and thankfully not.
29. Where did you last sleep other than your house?
Uhh Tom's probably.
30. Do you have any bruises?
Sure do.
31. Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2008?
Eh I guess.
32. Last person you went swimming with?
Oh geez I don't know, my mom? Hahahaha.
33. Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a L, A, K, H, or D?
A, K aaaand I think that's it.
34. Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
Well wanting doesn't do anything, you need to try for it and do something about it.
35. When did your last hug take place?
36. Who's the last person you wrestled with?
Geez, haha I don't know.
37. If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
38. Is there a guy who knows everything or basically every thing about you?
Pretty much.
I am so fucking aggravated right nowwwwwww.
1. Are you taken?
Who fuckin knows.
2. What jewelry are you wearing right now?
The shit in my face.
3. Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?
4. Last time you were sick?
Last week.
5. Last person you hugged?
6. Are you missing someone?
7. What are you wearing?
8. What were you doing before this survey?
Fucking sitting here getting an even bigger headache.
9. Whats your favorite fruit?
I don't know.. strawberries? Apples? Bananas?
10. Are your nails painted pink?
11. What do you currently hear?
12. Where were you at 3:00 AM this morning and doing what?
13. Do any of your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
Holes yeah, I don't spend 80 bucks on "ripped" jeans hahaha.
14. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2 under my head, but there's like 3 big ones and 3 small ones on my bed.
15. What is the last thing someone bought you?
16. Did you last sleep in your bed?
17. Whats the 4th text in your inbox say?
"Hah.. I'm sorryy!"
18.What color is your hair?
Shit brown.
19. Last thing you drank?
20. Are you disappointed in someone?
21. Know anyone with the same name as you?
22. Last show you watched?
I don't remember.
23. How is the weather right now?
I don't know, it was pretty nice today.
24. Have you ever eaten raw pumpkin?
Ew no.
25. Whats better to love or be loved?
Who fuckin knows.
26. Are you someone's best friend?
I hope so.
27. Do you love where you live?
Ew no way.
28. What are you going to name your children?
I don't know.
29. What are you doing tomorrow?
Going to Worcester.
30. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
They may not deserve it but I believe in them unfortunately.
31. Who was your FIRST best friend and are you still friends with them?
Eddie Heller, and I haven't seen him or talked to him in years, he moved. :[
32. Do you have anything to look forward to in the next month?
33. Whos car where you in last?
Mom's.. I can't drive right now.
34. What time will you be waking up tomorrow?
I don't know.
35. Closest pink object?
36. Hot or cold weather?
37. What's your middle name?
38. If you were given the chance to go to South Africa, would you go?
Sure why not.
39. When is your birthday?
July 26th.
40. How many piercings?
Snakebites & nose.. 3.
41. Do you like waking up to new text messages?
42. Do you have a dog?
I do. <3
43. Does anyone love you?
44. Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?
45. How is your hair?
46. Do you like your life as of now?
47. Last person to text you?
48. It’s 4 in the morning, your phone rings....
Wonder who the fuck is calling me right now.
49. Have you ever set foot in a tanning bed?
Booth, not bed.
50. Favorite celebrity?
51. What color are your bed sheets?
52. How many people on your top friends have you slept in the same bed with?
Like all of them haha.
53. Do you plan on moving within the next year?
I sure do actually.
54. How long is your hair?
Not long enough.
55. What were you doing at 10pm on Friday?
I don't remember.
56. When's the next time you will see the person who absolutely takes your breath away?