Upone the Rockie Rode

Nov 27, 2009 01:21

If you mete a travveler upone the rockie rode
Always say halo to hime as on yore way you gode

If you chanse upone a homested as you passe alonge
Offer them upone theyre wishe a storie or a songe

If upone that rockie rode you stumbel and befall
Do not showte or yell aboute, but take it in yore thrall

If as on yore journeye’s walk you finde a laydie fayre
Offer uppe yore cloke to her, if she showld so declair

Conductte yoresellf in suche a waye and you’l grow wise and goode
The walke you tayke will teech you thinges witch must be ounderstood

Howe is it that I know such stuffe? Why is it that I cayre?
I walked the rockie rode mysellf and fownde yore mouther theyre

By Daddye

upone, rode, mouther, travveler, walk, rockie

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