scene; 002;

Dec 07, 2010 07:56

Daisy was in an okay mood. Schoolwork was done, she was listening to music and randomly chatting online. She was mostly spending time in her house or with Scout. Ryan wanted them to go out, he told her how much he had missed her. That was very sweet of him, but he was rather moving too fast for her liking. And sure, he's nice and fun. But then there was Andy and the two boys gossip worse than girls. She dare not say anything about it but just let things flow. And then there was that dude Gabe - too friendly, plus, doesn't he know how to listen properly? Ugh. Letting her head drop towards her desk for a moment, she took mouthfuls of breath and counted mentally. Then, she was standing up and grabbed a red cardigan from her closet, shrugging them on over her dark off-shoulder shirt. Sneakers or boots? Boots, but no heels, she might slip and just make a fool out of herself. She checked her reflection in the mirror - ran her fingers through her hair, eyes still made up and lightly tinted her lips. All set and Ronnie hasn't even arrived yet - new record for her. She did wonder for a moment though how Scout will react once she finds out that she went out with Ronnie.

Ronnie was anxious to get out and going. Nevermind he couldn't stand to just sit still. At least with school, work, and the random things he got around to doing, he could keep a LITTLE occupied. But his house was a little crazy. Riley, his younger brother, had managed to completely and utterly catch fire to mac and cheese. So after trying to contain THAT melodrama, he decided he just needed to go out. And get food, because the stove catching fire kind of negated all hopes of food. And Ronnie didn't feel like pizza. So, boom boom boom, perfect reason to work on taking Daisy out. After washing up, actually doing something with his hair (the messiness seemed more planned that way), and putting on a bunch of layers, he was heading out. He only had the family SUV, a tahoe but it ran alright, but it would do. Not the best thing to pick up a girl in, but whatever. Once he was outside of Daisy's home, Ronnie thought twice about risking meeting her parents. So, he honked the horn, then got out of the tahoe to wait on her. Shivering a little, he swore Massechusetts to hell and back for it being so cold. He was almost desperate for a scarf or a skimask or something.

When Daisy heard that sound, she looked up from the kitchen where she was mildly talking to her mother about the... weather. Not here, but back in London. It was snowed in even more there. And in a way she was glad that she was here and not in Europe. She put her glass of water down, told her mom she was leaving, only to be pulled back when her mother wrapped a rather long and colorful winter scarf around her neck - it was warm and nearly swallowed up her face. Rolling her eyes playfully, but laughing, she headed for the front door and stepped out. Cold inside the house (despite the heater) and even colder outside. Spotting Ronnie, she beamed and walked towards him. "Oh hello," she eyed the SUV and nodded her head; "Nice ride." It was sincere (because she like SUVs) and teasing at the same time.

Ronnie was somewhat shifting on his feet to try and generate some kind of bodyheat. Damn, it was freezing! But thank god, Daisy came out of her house and she was wandering over. Smirking a little, Ronnie patted the side of the car, "Yeah, not as pretty as the muscle car I've been working on. But hey, least she runs, right?" he said, before going around the car to open the door for her. "So, my bro kind of set the stove on fire, which means I'm fuckin' hungry. Wanna grab some mexican or something before we find something else to do?"

Her eyes widened a little, "A muscle car... I want to see that, soonish, okay." She sniffed softly and followed after him, smiling as the door was opened for her. "Well, Ronnie, I'm impressed... wait," she commented and then started unweaving the scarf around her neck. Then, she reached towards Ronnie and wrapped it around his neck instead, pulling back, she eyed her work and nodded her head. "Looks good on you." The scarf wasn't anywhere girly, just a whirl of colors really. "Why'd he set the stove on fire, was he bored?" she asked while stepping inside the vehicle. And sure, Mexican's sounds good."

Ronnie just rolled his eyes lightly. He could be nice when he wanted, right? He wasn't all temper and all asshole all the time. That just wasn't condusive to his many plans and aims. "I just gotta finish up the paint job at the shop and I'll be ridin' in style," he said, smug already about his precious project. He'd been doing double time to finish it, after all. Before he could keep blabbering on though, she was putting a scarf around him. Blinking and a bit confused, Ronnie stood there for a second. He picked up the end and looked at it, before grinning a little, "Do I look that cold?" he asked, laughing quietly. Alright, so him kind of jumping on his feet was a dead give away. At the question, he just held up a finger, closed the door for her, then went around to hop into the driver's side. "So my bro decided that he was gonna try and make dinner," Ronnie started as he drove them out of the neighborhood and onto city streets he still hadn't really memorized. "But he can't even make cereal without something screwing up. Kids a spazz. But yeah, I was getting in from work and like, twenty minutes later he set mac and cheese on fire. Went off to play Black Ops and then we smelled smoke..." he rolled his eyes, shrugging, "No idea how it happened, I was just there to put the motherfucker out. Dad was sooo pissed, so," he looked over and grinned at her, "Figured taking you out was a good reason to avoid that spectacle." He hit a curb, swore, and veered them back, looking around his shoulder for a second, "Who the hell put that there...?" he mumbled, before putting his eyes forward again.

She wanted to say, yes, he looked very cold, but it was stating the obvious. And so she waited, watching as Ronnie went to the other side of the vehicle and let himself in. She listened as Ronnie talked, laughing softly at the mention of dinner and fire in the same context. "Oh well, but it's Black Ops," she commented, "perfectly excusable. Get those microwaves kind of food for back up." Well, it works in their house, whenever the aspect of cooking seem so tedious. "That's a bad excuse," she added and gave him a small smile; "But I like eating out so we'll let it slide this time." Daisy laughed again though and reached to pat Ronnie's arm. "I think it has been there ever since, don't blame it." She sat back on her and gazed outside, "Not fond of the cold weather?"

Ronnie just shrugged a little, making a face of agreement. it was black ops, true. But then he was making a little "Chhing" noise, because he didn't think it was a bad excuse at all. "Well, there's a little bodega place me and some of the guys at work go to for lunch, on weekends. It's pretty small, you might think it's a little sketch, but they've got the best food ever." he wanted a cigarette, but wasn't sure how Daisy felt about that so he just stucked with drumming his fingers lightly on the centercom. At the question, he just laughed quietly, before shaking his head, "Hell no," he replied, glancing over at her. "It used to get cold at night back home, but that was like, fifty degrees or so at the max. This is like tundra weather compared to what I'm used to," He paused at a redlight for a little too long, coolly glancing around for a second, before just taking a left and hoping this was the right direction towards the restaurant. "So, you a local, or an import like me?" he asked, trying to play it cool like he knew exactly where they were going, when really he was deciding to go out and get a GPS asap.

"Nevada, right?" she asked, glancing at Ronnie. She might have, or possibly overheard a few schoolmates talking about him. Or someone mentioned it, she couldn't recall - it was such a buzz then, when Ronnie transferred to their school. "I like the weather much better here though," she told him, "it's always rainy or cloudy." She paused and turned to look at him. Tipping her head slightly, she chuckled, "I'm from London. Bad weather, bad teeth, and we don't like hugs." She looked around and wondered if Ronnie knows where they were going. "Of course it's mildly not true, but the bad weather, I can definitely vouch for... Ronnie, where are we heading?" She refused to laugh but it was slowly getting into her. "Should we ask for directions?" she teased.

Ah, that explained her lovely, lovely accent. Ronnie couldn't have been sure exactly where she came from though, because he'd met a scottish dude once who legit, sounded like he was british. So it was up in the air as far as he's concerned. "Jolly ould London?" he said, faking an accent pretty bad. He laughed lightly, but then he pursed his lips, "No, we don't need to ask for directions!" he said, grinning through his frown. "We're almost there..." And thank god as soon as he said that, they passed the auto shop he worked at. Now Ronnie was on track, because two blocks later, there was a decently lit bodega with people eating in the restaurant part, "See?" he said, pointing, "Don't need a GPS cuz I'm better at this than Map Quest." he pulled into a parking spot on the side of the street, before scratching his neck where the scarf was. It felt like a turtleneck, or at least he assumed it was akin t oa turtleneck. He Got out of the car, fixing up his coat, before pulling his hood from his hoodie over his head and pulling the scarf over his face. "C'mon, let's go get some tacos," he said, posturizing as a gangster before he walked around the car to let her out.

"Yes, dear," Daisy said, imitating her grandmother; "Beautiful London... well, at most times." When it rains in London, it pours. That was the downside. She blinked, glanced at Ronnie and buttoned her cardigan, "Okay, machoman, I'm putting all my trust in you. Directions-wise, that is." She averted her gaze outside again and did recognize the auto shop, and a few other landmarks. Good, at least they weren't leaving Salem or the city proper anytime soon. "One shouldn't trust GPS much anyway," she added, "once I decided to use my mother's car and the GPS was telling me, "turn right on the corner, turn right", and goodness, there wasn't even any right, or any corner." She told her mother to return it to where she bought the device. Once parked and settled, she fixed herself and got out. Eyeing Ronnie though, she grinned, "You look so... suspicious in your getup." Especially with that colorful scarf. He was like a very flamboyant robber... or a crook. But hey, he was able to pull it off anyway.

Daisy = me
Ronnie = my friend
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