Mar 08, 2006 08:58
A caffeine induced statement left on my little sister's myspace page:
If you haven't listened to any Alice Cooper lately, YA NEED TO!
I think I've fallen in love with him (or at least the satellite radio at work has programmed me to think so).
It sucked when I turned 18, and all of the cool songs were about 17 year olds. Alice and Tom Petty were the only ones who cared about us barely legal kids. Now that I'm 19, there's no good rock songs about me.
What I'm really trying to say with all of this is;
savor ever second of your 17-dom. Listen to Sexy and Seventeen (Stray Cats), Saline (Rasputina), Saw Her Standin' There (Beatles), and any other songs about your age, as many times as you can, before your birthday.
Because one day you'll be 28, and you'll never hear songs about your age again.
How's that for a long-ass rant?
P.S. Alice Cooper FUCKIN' ROCKS. Crotch-pants.
Kyle, if your reading this;
Please, for the love of all that is unholy, call me! I miss you, and I don't have your number because my phone got broken in half while I was kicking some pink-liberty-spiked-dude's ass at a show. It's still the same number.
Kyle & Erica:
I will be moving to the Vancouver/Portland area some time in the coming months. Robbie and I want to be closer, and Vancouver is a good compromise considering Salem sucks, and his probation will make it really hard for him to move back to Oregon. Plus, the #1 selling-point, for me, was being closer to you two. You are the only family members I miss every day.
So be prepared, because Big Sis will want to see you as much as possible. And if either of you need a place to stay, our place will be open to you 24/7. There will be plenty of great home-made vegan food and guitars to play.
I love you.