Australian population figures explained by John Meredith

Apr 03, 2008 13:33

"I eventually came ashore here in Hong Kong, some 35 years ago, due to a rather stunning revelation. I was posted ashore for a while by my company to study this new art called containerization. We were experimenting with the first use of containers on services to the tropics. I remember part of the tests entailed painting some containers black and the others white to see how they reflected the tropical sunshine and handled heat and humidity. One trial entailed sending a consignment of rubber condoms some to Sydney in white containers and others to Melbourne in black containers to see which of the contents survived the journey. A later study of birthrates in both locations provided the answers. It’s why Sydney is now more crowded than Melbourne."

John Meredith
(The University of Western Ontario’s annual Hong Kong Convocation on March 30)
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