Mar 23, 2009 00:54
Why did you call?
But you won't say anything
(Why did you call?)
But your tears started to flow first
(Why did you call?)
Why won't you say something?
It was all my fault then
I'm sorry
So both of us cried for a long time
holding onto the phone til the tears had stopped falling
now I know how much I love you
I'm sorry, I love you
We'll have to love again
Never in a day have I forgotten you
(Not even a moment)
Never for a moment would I have left you
why lie?
So both of us have cried for a long time
holding onto the phone til the tears had stopped falling
now I know how much I love you
I'm sorry, I love you
We'll have to love again
We may be at different places but our hearts are the same
I miss you
I love you so much
I can still see you from afar
I can still hear you from afar
we were so happy in the past
I still miss you so much
I still love you so much
How did we end up parting?
We'll have to love again
We'll have to love again
We'll have to love again
We'll have to love again
This song was getting to me, but I think I'm ok. It's silly that I let such things get to me. Ed is great...
I got my hair done Saturday...Pam is great. I love her. We had a nice chat and I told her about Ed, etc. and she gave me a nice (and STURDY) up-do free of charge for my date. She loved the dress Ashleigh helped me pick ^_^;;; In all modesty...I looked good! Ed was very appreciative, and I felt it was well worth it. He broke out the camera and everything. Haha...We went to Grease which was very enjoyable. I forgot how much I love....the 50's? It was really fun. After, we ate at Canter's. It was kind of strange since we hadn't planned much and it was random, but it was cool.
Sunday I made him try Sidestreet for brunch and was pleased he liked it. He went along with me as I resolved my cell phone issue which was painfully slow. We went to meet his friends at a Vietnamese cafe with extremely scantily clad waitresses. That was interesting. I kind of enjoyed it. Hahaha...Oh. A couple things made me feel kind of bad... embarrassed? His cat is rather naughty/poorly socialized and bites people a lot. I am kind of trying to help train him out of it, but he's very naughty at times. I asked if it was ok to flick him when he tries to bite and was rebuked by Ed. I felt ashamed of myself =( I'm not sure what to think, as my cats don't do that stuff. And they also don't pee on the bed. But maybe it's because they are more tame and just...well-mannered naturally? I don't know. They are so angelic. It's a joy to come home to them each day.
Another thing I felt odd about was a bio convo I had with his friend. I felt like somehow I came off as ignorant or overly opinionated or both. It's hard to put a finger on. I dunno...It got me thinking about work and how I need to try much harder. Also, Friday, my coworker (the one I'm afraid of for reasons such as this) made me worry by (I think) implying I needed to get on top of something that I wasn't thinking of. I don't know if she means only to be helpful, or to criticize too. I feel like whenever she says something there's a judgmental critical edge to it and it always freaks me out because I feel instantly like I'm incompetent and hopeless. Ugh...
Aaaaaanyway...After the cafe we went on Ed's errand. Then we saw I Love You, Man, which is HILARIOUS. I think it's my favorite comedy that I can remember, as my memory isn't great and movies recently haven't been that good. I really enjoyed it. Another thought occurred to me...I think I'm neurotic because Ed brushed off an oblique suggestion about snacks, and I wondered if he was thinking I'm getting fat. I have no idea. I am worried about letting myself go since I did such a good job losing like...almost 8 lbs? Bleh. Oh well. He's probably less fit than me so it's not really...fair? Not that it matters in the scheme of things. I'm too friggin defensive.
I recommend that movie!!! Then we went to shabu shabu and home where I chatted with his sister. On my way home my roomie called to say there was a gunshot and cop cars were outside our apartment. He later amended saying the noise was probably them busting the door down because there was a drug bust or something, but it was over so it should be ok. I came home and there were 7 cop cars or so outside -.-;;; Scary. I keep imagining bullets coming through the walls and killing me in my sleep. Gawd...
I have a shitload of work to do this week. And Ed is coming down Thursday to spend the weekend and hang out with my coworkers and I. And then again the next week to meet my dad. This is progressing very strangely in that it's surprisingly smooth since our first argument. I find it odd how secure I feel. I think it's cuz he does so much...he always opens doors (including car), he texts with me throughout the day and calls pretty much every night, he pays for everything, he makes little gestures like kissing my forehead and hand, he carries everything, he is always thinking of fun stuff for us to do or places to take me, etc. The only things I don't love are his weird voices when he voices his cat's thoughts, or the way he doesn't pay attention to music. I feel good songs tell stories and I get annoyed when people talk over them, turn them down, etc.
Omg, cat snores are the cutest. yeah...I don't mind if a guy as devoted and sweet as he is appreciates the looks of other girls such as pornstars, strippers, or random girls on the street. He's very considerate and has trouble admitting to being a guy...but I'll break him of it yet. I want to be a good gf. I think I'm doing a good job. It's going surprisingly well. I wonder where it will lead. Geez...Life is weird.