Aug 06, 2012 23:14
I discovered that my most favorite hobby is telling stories. What with med school starting up for me in exactly 3 weeks from today, I decided that I should go back to story-telling. This will become a med school blog.
But until that happens, I figure I should tell you what happened to me this past summer. On May 1st, two weeks to the day before one of the most important days of my life, I moved into a nunnery.
Get Thee to A Nunnery - Part 1: Before the Day
I first found out about this nunnery in the spring. My friend's girlfriend live there. Now, she is not a nun, and neither am I, and neither is this place an actual nunnery. It used to be a nunnery (and apparently Mother Theresa stayed here once) - but it has since been converted into an off-campus dorm. In the summer, it is open to anyone to live there, even if they are not a student.
So that's where I came in. The promise of cheap rent, living with some young folks and being close to my summer work was all I needed. As I said - I moved in on May 1st. And nobody was around. Turns out that all the regular residents were on vacation still from their "done-the-regular-school-year" trips. So, it was just me and two other new people - Crazy Eyes and The Kiwi Philosopher.
Note: I'm going to nickname people. It's fun, it makes them more memorable and it (somewhat) protects me from getting in trouble with these people.
Name aside, Crazy Eyes was sort of cute. She does have big, pretty eyes. But, yes, she's also crazy. The Kiwi Philosopher is a philosophy major from New Zealand. That name pretty much wrote itself. That first night we watched She's The Man. London Burning also made a brief appearance, but she won't figure into much of the story since a month later she left for England because her boyfriend from there apparently "got in trouble with the law". A crappy situation, to be sure, but one nice thing is that she was the only person I was sharing a fridge with, and I now have it all to myself.
I hung out with Eyes and Kiwi for the next couple of days, since we didn't really have much else. Kiwi loved to share his opinions and have debates when neither was necessarily wanted, and Eyes was really really into all the stereotypical hippie things. I got annoyed with Kiwi but my somewhat interest in Eyes made me ignore her minor annoyances.
Eventually everyone else moved back into the dorms and I met a whole bunch of new people. One particularly interesting one was Crazy Nose. You can probably figure out some things about her because of my naming patterns. That is intentional. Like Eyes, I did think Nose was cute when I first met her. She also was interested in cool school - BioPsych.
I also started my last two MCAT classes in those two weeks. I was working five days a week between the two, and tutoring as well. Having no car, I took a lot of transit, and it all added up to much more time spent on buses than I would ever have wanted. I wasn't really "working" that many hours a week, but with everything considered I was consistently busy.
I did have a lot of fun in the first few weeks. I made some Smash Bros. friends, was always excited for the weekly pot-luck meals we had and had a great many times sitting in the kitchen and chatting with whomever came by. In those first few weeks it went from an eerie sense of isolation because nobody was around to a robust house full of new friends, new adventures and new experiences.
As I sit here now at the end of the summer, it has gone back to a fallout environment.