Retard School

Jul 26, 2005 00:50

So I'm doing this whole retard school shit. It's school in the summer for really special kids who don't know how to get school right the first fuckin try. It's five fuckin hours of hell with a bunch of other faggoty teenagers. But the worst part, is that my teacher has to be pushin 200 years old. She can't hear a god damned thing that goes on in that classroom. My teacher has the stupidest lookin parrot nose that I've ever seen. Also, she wears the same clothes like everyday. What the hell grandma!? Change your clothes! And if she's not changin her clothes, that leads me to the assumption that she's not showering. I had the word METALLICA written out on a piece of paper for display, and my teacher asked what that was. I thought about brutally slaughtering her and putting her in the trunk she keeps in the back of her room. I think there's some Sixth Sense shit goin on and she's dead and doesnt know it.
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