May 20, 2005 18:53
Want to know what I am sick of? Of course you don't. But I am fuckin sick of namin the subject on these sons of bitches. God damn they're annoying. In most of the subjects, I mention how they're pissin me off. But this time I decided to dedicate an entire journal entrie to the piece of shit subject. The subject is supposed to be within whatever you're writing. It isn't supposed to be in a seperate section of its own. That's just for lazy-ass cock-suckers who wanna know what they're readin before they actually read it. If you just read the fuckin entry, then you would know what the hell you're readin. Who made this fuckin web site anyway? It's very poorly made. "Do you want this public or friends only?" I don't give a fuck who reads my shit. "What mood are you in at the moment?" Well since you asked, it's pretty fuckin shitty. Just askin me that is going to piss me off. This web site is put together better than that god damn my space. That's the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen. Fuckin slows down my computer. I do have a piece of shit computer. But, it gets worse every time I go onto that damn site. God I want to kill someone. And all i want to use is a tire-iron. Just beat someone to death with a tire iron. I have a few people in mind. Most of the people that I want to kill should have some idea that they're on my hit-list. So if any of you little bastards are out there readin this, you should watch your back. Because I am picking up a tire-iron in my auto shop class. And I'll get every last fucking one of you bitches.