That's How You Know (A Collection of Fics) - Part Two of Seven

Feb 23, 2010 20:38

Title: That's How You Know (A Collection of Fics) Part Two of Seven
Pairings: Various. They're surprises. (This part contains France/England, Netherlands/Canada, Russia/China, Turkey/Japan, Prussia/Austria, Switzerland/Liechtenstein)
Rating: All stories range from G-PG.
Warnings: Fluff and potential OOCness, but I tried my best to keep them relatively in character. Human names used + two fanon names (Lars for Netherlands and Sophie for Leichtenstein).
Summary: A collection of fics based on specific lines from "That's How You Know" from Enchanted as performed by Amy Adams. There are seven parts of this collection.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the song these stories are based off, nor do I own the characters used in these stories. I make no profit and this is only to be used as entertainment.


Title: Flight
Pairing: Francis/Arthur (France/England)
Summary: Based on a specific line from "That's How You Know" from Enchanted as performed by Amy Adams.

Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey?

Sipping his tea, Arthur read the newspaper that was laid down on the couch next to him with mild interest. The weather forecast was the same. His tea tasted the same. The hole in his fuzzy slippers was still the same. The fairies were having their own tea party, pinkies in the air while they sipped and Abigail the unicorn was eyeing his newspaper hungrily.

Everything was the same.

The only thing that made this situation any different from any other situation Arthur normally had in his quaint living room was that there was soft tweeting coming from outside. Wondering what had happened to the cooing pigeons (and hoping the Griffin hadn’t decided to snack on them again), Arthur turned his head towards the open window to his right.

He rolled his eyes when five, small yellow birds flew through the window, narrowly dodged Abigail’s horn and dropped a bunch of flowers they had been struggling with into his lap.

‘Fresh Gerberas. Yellow. Smelly,’ he noted with a sniff. The flowers smelt like, well flowers, but he could definitely smell the cologne of a certain Frenchman wafting about.

He set down his teacup and saucer with a sigh and picked up the card that had been tightly tied with ribbon to the bouquet.

‘I thought I’d send you some yellow flowers, since the sky is grey.’

One fairy abandoned the tea party, finding Arthur's sort of embarrassed (or enraged, she couldn't tell) face much more interesting than drinking tea and flew over to his shoulder. Arthur watched her silently read the note, before flushing slightly as she tittered.

She whispered something into his ear, causing his flush to grow brighter. He waved her off, the fairy huffing at him indignantly and sticking her tongue out at him.

Rolling his eyes again, he leaned over the arm of the couch to his end table to grab his phone. Furiously he began texting, the flowers gripped gently in his other hand. Abigail saw her chance and lunged for the newspaper, and Arthur was surprised he didn’t really mind he'd just sacrificed his entertainment.

With his newspaper being digested, he finished and scrolled through his phonebook, sending his message to the number listed under ‘Frog’.


Francis stretched and hummed appreciatively as his body creaked in satisfaction. He was just about to snuggle into the couch with a book when his mobile phone vibrated on the coffee table.

Picking it up, he smiled at the ‘Rosbif’ that lit up on his screen.

The five birds flew back into the room from the window he let them loose from. They perched themselves on his shoulders, two on each and one more on his head. He flipped open his phone and read the message, the birds twittering in anticipation.

‘The sky is always grey here you great dolt.

But thanks anyway.’

Francis couldn’t have asked for a better response.

notes: the very first fic I wrote for this series and the one I always think of when I hear that line in 'That's How Yow Know'... I had the image in my head for a while before thinking about writing it.


Title: Panda Express
Pairing: Ivan/Yao (Russia/China)
Summary: Based on a specific line from "That's How You Know" from Enchanted as performed by Amy Adams.

Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey?

Ivan sat down heavily in the snow, shuffling his scarf about as he tried to get comfortable. He didn’t know whether to be happy that it had stopped snowing, or disappointed that the snow on the ground was now icy and the sky had turned grey.

He had travelled down south for a while, deciding to take a break and just explore his own nation.

The landscape, the towns, the flora, the fauna, the pandas…

The pandas?

Ivan cocked his head curiously at the panda walking toward him. He’d always found them funny, the way their shoulders rose and fell with each step.

As the furry bear came closer, he noticed something clenched between its jaw. Even closer and he noticed they were flowers. Big, bright, yellow sunflowers.

The animal came right up to him and held out the stems for him to take, the panda having to rotate his head before Ivan got the idea.

He took the bouquet, cradling it gingerly in both hands and smiling down at it. He expected the panda to walk away, but it seemed it wasn’t finished yet.

It nudged his arm and turned around, seemingly nodding further south.

Ivan followed the motion of the pandas head and smiled when he noticed the figure beyond the border. He shouted a ‘Spasiba!’ to the probably red faced and embarrassed Yao, who only responded with a curt wave, his other hand covering his face.

Notes: I THINK Spasiba means thank you in Russian... please correct me if I'm wrong. Several sites said it was so... :c

Got nothing to do with the fic... but all the trash talk I see about Plushenko and Russia makes me sad. In saying that, the stuff thrown back at the US isn't too pretty but sometimes there are people I can't reach that just deserve a slap to the face.


Title: Two Lips
Pairing: Netherlands/Canada (Lars/Matthew)
Summary: Based on a specific line from "That's How You Know" from Enchanted as performed by Amy Adams.

Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey?

With no maple syrup, no pancake batter and no enthusiasm, Matthew was having a pretty crappy day. After waking up from a restless night to discover there was no way to make pancakes, he felt a little sore. After discovering there was no maple syrup he could at least guzzle, he was even more disappointed.

He’d settled for leftovers, the mash not tasting as great as it did yesterday. After his so called ‘breakfast’, he’d resolved to go out and buy pancake mix and maple syrup, and maybe do some grocery shopping since he was out. But after taking one look at the grey sky, he’d lost all drive to even open the front door.

Matthew found himself on the couch after that, aimlessly flipping through channels. He knew it was a crappy day when a long three minute commercial for some new crazy exercise machine was more exciting than any other show on television.

The only thing good about this situation was that his polar bear was still fast asleep and couldn’t make his self-esteem any worse.

He was just about to nod off, thinking to himself that sleeping the rest off the day away would do some good when there was a knock at the door.

Annoyed, but not wanting to be impolite and maybe a little curious, he forced himself to get up and open it.

He peeked through the door as he opened it slowly, “Hel-Lars!” The door flew open the rest of the way.

Lars grinned and scratched the back of his head. Matthew followed the hand, fixing his gaze on the scar on the other man’s forehead for a moment. He still really wanted to ask where it came from.

“What are you doing here?”

A hand behind Lars’ back produced a very large bunch of yellow tulips, so large Matthew was amazed he could carry it in one hand.

Matthew caught it in both of his when the bouquet began tilting forward. He gently cupped one and inhaled, loving the sweet scent.

Shifting the flowers onto his hip he put a finger to Lars’ lip when the Dutchman opened his mouth to explain. He crooked his finger under the strong jaw and pulled Lars down for a quick kiss, smiling after they broke apart and dragged the man into his house.


Title: Sachertorte
Pairing: Gilbert/Roderich (Prussia/Austria)
Summary: Based on a specific line from "That's How You Know" from Enchanted as performed by Amy Adams.

Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey?

Rain pelted against the windows as Roderich’s fingers glided across the keyboard. He’d originally planned to go out and pay Feliciano and his brother a visit just to catch up (despite what people said, Roderich did care). Unfortunately, the skies had decided to open up and the Austrian was confined to his house for fear of drowning.

He wasn’t angry, he wasn’t sad, but he was a little disappointed he couldn’t visit the Vargas brothers where the sun was most probably shining.

Shutting his eyes, he began to play from memory, well practiced enough to feel his way around the keys.

His finger slipped and hit a wrong note when someone knocked at the door. A little aggravated, Roderich stilled, holding his breath and trying to be as quiet as possible so he could hear over the rain.

He released his breath and was just about to start playing his piece from the beginning when the door was knocked again, much more frantically.

Roderich primly got off his stool, considerate enough to forgo closing his piano lid (usually he feared the keys would get dusty) and hurried.

He quickly unlocked his door and opened it, revealing a very wet, very soaking Gilbert with a box covered with cloth in hand. “G-Gilbert?” Roderich asked hesitantly, genuinely surprised. Gilbert only visited when he wanted to get rid of unwanted junk he was conned into buying, or to pinch his cheeks. This time, Gilbert didn’t have his usual ‘awesomer-than-thou’ grin.

“Guten Abend… er, it would be nice to go inside? I'm kind of wet...” said Gilbert, fiddling with the cloth covered box.

Roderich stood back, letting Gilbert inside. The wet man slipped inside quickly, leaving puddles everywhere he walked. Roderich frowned at the water but didn’t say anything. He’d have to express his anger through Chopin to Gilbert later.

Shutting the door, Roderich cleared his throat in disapproval when Gilbert set the soaking wet cloth on his couch and placed the box on his coffee table. “May I ask what you are doing here?”

“No you may not,” replied Gilbert turning around with a slight scowl, “open the box.”

The brunet looked at the box skeptically. The last time he opened a box Gilbert told him to, he’d spent an hour in front of the mirror plucking feathers out of his hair.

“Open it,” insisted Gilbert, his voice a lot calmer than usual.

Curling his fingers underneath the lid, Roderich took a breath before opening it. He peeked open an eye, not realising he had closed it when he inhaled sharply.

An obviously ‘Prussian’ attempt at Sachertorte greeted him. The cake was lop sided, the glaze was uneven and the lettering was illegible. The yellow sugar flowers that Gilbert had decided to decorate the cake with, however, looked exquisite.

“Gilbert this is-” Roderich turned around while trying to thank Gilbert, only to regret it when the man pinched his cheek.

“Don’t mention it. I didn’t make it for you by the way, just got bored.” Gilbert looked away and put his wet hands on his wet hips, “I’m way too awesome to do stuff for other people.”

Ignoring the urge to point out that Gilbert had just traveled through the rain to give him a cake that wasn’t made for him, Roderich just rubbed his pinched cheek with a mock frown, hiding the smile that threatened to show.

I've been to Austria and had the REAL Sachertorte... might I say it was FABULOUS. Then I tried making my own... let's say it was ok, but not fabulous lol. It looked much like Prussia's sans sugar flowers. The actual cake was uneven, so we had to cut the top off to level it, then it wasn't actual level (lol) and the glaze was too runny and I had to sit there for a while just slicking the glaze that fell off back onto the cake... I don't think I even ended up writing the 'Sacher' on the bars...


Title: By Hand
Pairing: Sadiq/Kiku (Turkey/Japan)
Summary: Based on a specific line from "That's How You Know" from Enchanted as performed by Amy Adams.

Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey?

Sadiq grinned at Kiku when the Japanese man opened his front door to him, “Konbanwa, Kiku.”

“İyi akşamlar,” replied Kiku with a bow and a small smile, “Come in.”

Sadiq pulled off his hood when he entered the house, his mask still covering the top part of his face. He bent down to pat Pochi on the head while he waited for Kiku to close the door and instruct him on where to go. They’d promised to spend more time together this particular year, so they thought they’d begin with a casual visit to one another’s houses. Today, it was Kiku’s turn to host.

“It is a bit chilly, so I’ll make some tea and you can sit at the kotatsu- i-if you don’t mind…”

“Alright,” said Sadiq, fondly rubbing Kiku’s back as he made his way over to the table, the shorter man obviously a little startled if those suddenly stiff muscles were anything to go by.

Quietly padding his way over to the kotatsu, Pochi following him, Sadiq observed the room. It hadn’t changed much since he last came (which wasn’t that long ago), but there were some trinkets here and there he hadn’t seen before. A simple tea set, a cowboy hat, a pair of clogs and a Venetian mask sat atop a cabinet he knew was once in another room. He smiled at the fez he'd gotten Kiku years ago. He scowled at the folded toga though. Above them hung a ticking cuckoo clock and above that, a yellowing piece of parchment with ‘あ い う え お’ written on it.

Content he had looked around enough, Sadiq slipped under the cloth of the kotatsu with a sigh, instantly loving the warmth that spread from his toes to his thighs. He was wearing long pants, but the heat was very welcomed.

He was just getting comfortable when Kiku set two cups of tea on the table top. He quietly murmured a ‘thank you’, bringing the tea closer but not drinking it. They chatted for a while, Sadiq throwing in a joke here and there and Kiku laughing quietly in response, throwing back a joke of his own when he thought suitable.

It was nice, thought Sadiq, to just relax like that with the Japanese. He’d gotten into a scuffle with Herakles the other day, and his time at Kiku’s house had a calming effect.

Soon, their conversation drifted off into small words every once and a while, Kiku idly watching television and Sadiq resting his head on the table. The Turkish man looked out beyond the screen door Kiku had left open slightly. The sky had gotten very dark, no stars visible behind the grey clouds.

He turned his head so his other cheek was resting on the table surface, just to keep the flatness of his face even. He closed his eyes momentarily, not wanting to be rude and fall a sleep but the warmth of the kotatsu coaxing him to rest.

Needless to say, Sadiq did nod off for a while, and when he did wake up, Kiku had moved from the spot in front of him to the one beside him and was doing something pretty crafty with a square of yellow paper.

“What ‘cha doing?” he asked, eyes suddenly wide with curiosity.

Kiku folded the last bit of his paper and pulled it out. He pushed the yellow origami paper flower he had just made, along with a couple of others he must have made earlier towards Sadiq and smiled.

Sadiq picked up one of the paper flowers with wonder, observing Kiku’s craftsmanship. He turned it this way and that, trying to figure out how the folds worked without destroying it.

Kiku chuckled softly, “Would you like me to teach you?”

Sadiq smirked at Kiku. He slid a hands under the cloth, resting it on a kimono covered thigh, his other hand supporting his smug face with an elbow on the table.

Kiku cleared his throat, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Whipping out a new square of yellow paper, Kiku made a show of plucking Sadiq’s hand off his thigh and placing it back on the table.

“You’ll need both hands for this, Sadiq-san.”

Sadiq continued smirking.

Yeah... I'm hoping that's how you say good evening in Turkish.
 tea set - England
cowboy hat - America
clogs - Netherlands
Venetian mask - Italy
cuckoo clock - Germany
toga - Greece
yellowing piece of parchment = the one from that one time with China



Title: E-card
Pairing: Vash/Sophie (Switzerland/Leichtenstein)
Summary: Based on a specific line from "That's How You Know" from Enchanted as performed by Amy Adams.

Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey?

Sophie tapped away at her laptop. She was expecting an email from her boss soon, containing details about a cancellation of a meeting.

Normally she wouldn’t be wasting time waiting by the computer, but the dreary grey sky and chilly air forced her eyes towards the monitor.

She sighed, pausing in her typing to rub her shoulders. She’d kept her hair short, but the back of her neck did miss the warmth every now and then.

Opening her inbox for the eleventh time in the past half hour, she was disappointed to find her boss still hadn’t emailed her.

She clicked back to her internet browser to finish up checking on a forum she’d been visiting.

A chill rushed down her spine and it was then that she decided she should probably put on an extra layer, a scarf and maybe make herself a nice hot mug of coffee.

Quickly, she walked to her room and threw on a substantially warm jacket and a scarf Vash had given her for her birthday one year before heading into the kitchen. She boiled some water, planning on using the instant kind of coffee just for kicks.

Sophie walked back to her laptop, sitting her mug far away from her computer and checked her email once again.

No email from her boss, but she did have a new one from Vash. Sophie found it odd, considering Vash didn’t like emailing too much and found it impersonal.

She opened it, a curt message telling her to ‘click’ a link. She didn’t click it, but instead, copied and pasted it into a new tab on her browser.

The URL took her to a site with a pink background and a red border. Suddenly an animated bouquet of yellow flowers popped up. Each one had a smiley face, eyes closed with their leaves ‘waving’ at her.

They moved to the side and a message that was obviously written by a very embarrassed Vash typed itself out.

‘DeSophie, just though yuo’d find this cute’

Sophie giggled, thinking dear Vash would have been very embarrassed to make so many typos. He must have typed and erased the message several times, Sophie guessing the ‘De’ was meant for a ‘Dear’ before Vash changed his mind.

“Ja,” she said to herself, “I do find it cute.”

!fanfic posted here

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