So here i am in Lacoste, France. A fortified medieval city on a hill. At the peek stands the Marquis de Sades crumbling castle now inhabited by aging and eccentric fashion designer Pierre Cardin. Every few months or so Cardin brings in a theatre troup to pay tribute to the Marquis and his legacy. I have yet to see this spectacle, but i'd imagine a queer (in more than one sense of the term) designer + troup of actors paying homage to one of history's most infamously perverted subverter could be...stimulating.
Now sit down a spell for a short but fascinating tale on the human condition.
Lacoste - as i mentioned before - is a medieval city built on a hill. It looks down across a semi-flat valley and then the terrain begins to go up again - another hill. Atop this hill sits a sister city, in many respects, to Lacoste. This sisters name is Bonnieux. They happily sat accross from one another for quite some time, each with a perfect view across the valley at the other.
Lacoste and Bonnieux were loving sisters until Lacoste become Protestant, and Bonnieux became Catholic. Then things got messy. The residents of Lacoste would dance across the valley and wage war on Bonnieux. The residents of Bonnieux would dance across the valley accordingly and brutalize the residents of Lacoste. But here's where it gets interesting; there's always an exception to the rule.
From time to time, the residents of Lacoste would travel down their hill toward Bonnieux but stop halfway. And sometime...the residents of Bonnieux would travel down their hill toward Lacoste and only travel half the usual distance. But, what was making these bitter rivals break the brutal routine? The only time the daughters and (mostly) sons of Lacoste and Bonnieux were civil to each other was at a meeting place halfway between the cities. As it turns out, this sanctified meeting place was the most well used BathHouse and brothel in the region. Here they would take time out from their Holy War and mend eachothers wounds...and other such nicities. Next day though, back to work. Back to business.
and the little piggys went oui oui oui all the way home.