Mar 06, 2014 13:47
"Let it go."
Like a slap in the face, or a splash of cold water while you're sleeping, He told me to let it go.
Letting go does not mean not caring. If it becomes too much to handle, lift it up to Him. He won't make it go away, but He'll help you deal with it.
God put us in the driver's seat in our own lives. He doesn't drive us around. And more importantly, we were not meant to be in the backseat of our own lives. Life may force us to take detours, throw rain across our windshields to make it harder to see, place potholes along the road to make it bumpy, or keep us stuck in traffic for a while.
But He is present in the signs along the way, the stopovers for rest, or better yet, your companion in the passenger seat. Whatever it is, we have Him along for the ride. And all the more, we are still in control. Whatever life hands us, we have a choice as to which direction to take ourselves to, a choice as to how we would handle such moments.
Look at the road signs. The stop lights. God says Go, Stop and Slow Down, too. But it's up to you.
Things happen. Shit happens. Life happens. It's up to me to let it go.
I welcome the respite. Thank You.