May 25, 2005 15:35
Yay! no practice! Thats right iam at home right now
Um this morning got on a New spanky danky bus!! thats right 05-25... the date of today is our bus # .
But anyways.. Hmm
At lunch me and Bri where gonna go give this kid her number. But we couldnt find him after a while.
In math gay Dewayne kept answering all the questions so i got mad and was like " GOD SHUT UP dEWAYNE" then like Jovon answered a Question wrong and Kevin Heynes(the black one)was like " Man Jovon your a dumbass" and mrs. macarthy was like "kevin! that was very uncalled for" and he was like " well i was just telling the truth" then she was like " what would your mom say if i called you a dumbass" and he was like " she would probally agree that iam a Dumbass" lol it was funny
6th hour brandons Voice squeaked when he was acting out our class play thingy mabober. But yeh i left out ALOT of my day, i just dont feel like wrigihting
But after class i didnt think kaira was gonna come but she did so we walked out to the buses and then kevin was there and i was like umm arnt u gonna getting on our bus and he waslike the Fagets are on there. . meaning these other 2 kids who shall remain nameless. and he was like " they infected our new bus" and i was like " damn bitches" so i got on then him and zack came on and like we had to sit close to the little kids beacuse the gay immiture kids on our bus took the back. So yeh. it was fun tho, we talked about star wars and like kevin was saying somthing it was real funny. i forgot tho.
Well iam done talking
Wait . JK!
Me and &*%^# arnt talking. and he wont tell kaira anything and he wont talk to me. and you know what it isnt bothering me as much as i thought i would i mean yeh i wish we were talking. its the end of the year i dont want that person hateing me but come on! he can at lest tell me what i fucking did wrong so i can correct it. but no. w.e Oh well. I guess you can say iam getting along better without him. i mean i spend more time with my friends in school and dont have to worry about him and other people beacuse he hates me.
Later Gators