May 19, 2005 19:19
Hmm school yeh wow fun ..
This morning i woke up and TOTALLY did not feel like getting ready for school. i mean my god i ended up like yesterday wearing crap that didnt match, i had a holister jacket with blue shorts.
Yeh then i checked out the newly found HUGE bruse on my leg from getting pitched into last night. And ugh it was just a mess
.. today.. and everyday.. is boring
then after school i hung with allison a bit then went to practice
then we went to our team dinner at sallys.
it was alot of fun
we had a .. 3 or 4 cource meal.
then like megan was like , omg one time i got my lip stuck in my gap. lol
we all laughed for like 15 mins and like i looked over and sally and she was laughing so hard
and there was just all this funny stuff and
but yeh kristen and allison are at the jesse concert.
while iam just sitting here eating my melon
thinking about *things*
I found a new way to aprouch things
" they were ment to be together.."
its as simple as that,
they break up, they come back together.
-he calls her
-he talks about her
-he cares about her
i mean it all makes sence.
so w.e
iam better off alone anyways.
so i can come to school in shorts and sweats and a non matching t-shirt, beacuse i dont GIVE a damn anymore what i look like
I am hopeing soon we get into that "remember when" stage
like " remember when i... or remember when you.." it almost makes me sad, beacuse i mean.. all the timez, i just really wanteed to be what he said i was " his best friend, that he could tell everything to".. and now we dont even egknoledge that we know each other.
beacuse i gave up trying to make him talk to me and trying to make him notice me, fuck it
NOONE CARES so iam not gonna care
life goes on i guess
stop dwealing in the past. and it feels good not to care
beacuse when i dont care i come to school looking like shit
but oh well
iam out
<3 *~~ Montana