Always and forever...

May 04, 2005 17:31

  • School was ok.. homework.. barley
  • In weight training.. ok i like did 1 and half laps around the track then i coudlnt move my leg muscle like i couldnt even lift up my leg so i fell to the ground and layed out to stretch it and coach forester sent 2 guys to come over beacuse they all thought i broke my leg, beacuse forester told me i have a stress fractor... but then tom was like NO you cant get X-rays beacuse they cant do anything for a stress fractor.. and iw as like W.E u just dont want to pay for the x-ray and he was like W.E. and then he was ike just ICe it. and i was like omg ok shut up and then like he got out of the car and he was like times havnt changed.. and i HATE when parents do that, there all like " i was your age one time, times havnt changed" YES THEY HAVE! you just keep telling you self they havnt so you wont admit that your getting OLD! so shut ur pie hole
  • Then at practice.. ugh he wanted to try new pitchers and he wants me to practice before friday and pitch at the gaem i think..
  • ?/??? i dunno if i want to pitch. iam gonna SUCK.. dont get mad at me guys!
  • Kelsey cant play beacuse of grades.. i almost have 2 e;s 2.. but not yet

Well thats all for today

p.s i love DH -.o if your smart ull figure it out!! And allison! <3 <3
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