I used to keep this under wraps, but as my day job I sculpt stuff out of sugar and decorate cakes. It was never a great ambition of mine, but as I get older and my other artistic endeavours fail to make traction, I've come to the realization that this is, for forty hours a week who I am. With that in mind, I offer my professional portfolio. The page that people who receive my resume get to see. No, I will not make any of these cakes, you do have to go through whom ever I work for, but seeing as good deal of my LJ friends know me from my various doll and toy projects, it way be of interest. You may also be glad to know that today I gave notice in order to move to a less demanding job that will allow me (I hope) to do more of my own drawing, sculpting, freelancing, and to pursue some serious puppet building post-classes.
So here it is: