Jun 11, 2010 20:13
I'm going to Dolpa. Saturday only I think. Say "HI" to me? I'll have a guest with me, but I'm still at a loss as how to function at shows, cons, etc without a full entourage to buffer the experience. Hmmm, you see why I drop off the map for years at a time, right?
Today I bought an iPod touch to replace my very ancient 5th Gen click-wheel which I have given to Steve. However, I think I now need a new iPod dock for my car. Not so happy about that. My main intent was to have a way to listen to French and UK Radio stations at work when I want to block out noise from the rest of the shop. I've found an Application that allows me to access a lot of international radio and I'm pleased about that. I know all of this may seem old hat to those of you who own iPhones, but I live in the NYC area and AT&T is broken here because of all the iPhones so I still have a TMobile account and my G1. It's really OK, I don't want to run down my phone battery because I listen to music for ten hours straight anyway. I would like to know what others with obscure music tastes do to find new music these days. What I really want to do is buy singles from iTunes UK but the bloody thing won't let me, no matter how hard I try to convince it I am actually in England. iTunes is smarter than I am. Pooh.
The warmer weather has brought out the loud neighbors who spend all weekend shooting guns. Lovely. A great backdrop for my deadline crush.
Seriously though people, BIG doll/toy/art news is coming down the pike.
dolpa nyc,