Recently during the abdomen and pelvic unit, we were discussing prostate cancer. My professor explained in lecture that the best way to diagnose an enlarged prostate was with a Digital Rectal Exam, and she displayed a picture like the one below:
While the picture was up there, she was going on and on about hereditary factors, the somewhat helpful PCA levels you can get with a blood test, and treatment options, potential nerve damage, etc etc.
Meanwhile my inner dialog: "Digital rectal exam? That looks analog as hell to me. (looking around the room... no one else looks confused...) Digital? There must be something I'm not understanding.... should i ask? man, i hate asking questions in class... digital rectal exam. hmm."
Anyway, glad I didnt ask. It dawned on me later that by digital she of course was referring to the digits of the hand, better known as "The Fingers."
I sometimes wonder if I'm here because of a clerical error, or what.