Grits are freakin great with an icey cool mountain dew.

Nov 15, 2004 20:53

I worked four hours tonight. It wasn't bad. I worked with Eric and sean so it went quickly. I did three FULL carts of go-backs. That was hell. I think Eric has a crush on me cause he keeps hinting at it. But whatev. He's nice but no comparison to my Maxifer.
I totally bombed a history test today, along with everyone else in the class. Oh well. I did good on an English test today though, which I definetly didn't read the sections for. Ya win some, ya lose some. My english is getting sloppy. I wish I could use perfect grammar and everything like Miss Q. She's awesome because she is the perfect "finishing school" kind of gal with good grammar and posture and manners(whoohoo manners!) but she is still a human being. And by human being I mean she watches Monty Python and uses the word fuck only when extreme imbeciles upset her. She's really stressed out right now because the play is this week, but I'm sure she will get through it all right. I wish she was married. She deserves to be married.
Anywho I'm trying to relax a bit so I don't stress out about how busy I am lately. I have a list of about 10 things that I need to get done right now...but I would rather waste my time relaxing and writing in this. I miss having a journal. I have a diary but thats just for bullshit writing.
Yeah so I don't know if I like this icon or not. I was just REALLY sick of the Dawson one. And Max said I looked emo in it which is perfffeecctt for this kind of crap so yeah. I took a picture of my eye too. It is cool cause it looks kinda orange. It looked more orange on the camera then on the computer. But whatev.
Max called. Ima talk to him now. Toodles.
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