Aug 31, 2004 16:10
-*aLL aBoUt yo0u*-
Name on Birth Certificate: Amanda Jean Blanco
Birthday: September 30th, 1987
Age: 16
Mommy's Name and Age: Toni, 48
Daddy's Name and Age: AL, 48
Have any brothers/sisters: yep
What's their names and ages: Jenn, 20
Shoe size: 8.5
Height: 5'4"
School: LOLHS
Grade: Junior
Color: metallic blue
Number: 4
Letter: Q Biotch
Sport: to watch? Football or Gymnastics to play? vollyeball
Day of the Week: Friday
Season: fall
Teacher: Um right now prob Mr. O'Brien
Subject: Psych
Animal: mini-horses
Cereal: Berry Berry Kix
Ice-Cream: Cookie dough
TV Channel: TNT or TBS or UPN, but I don't watch much television
TV Show: Whose Line is it Anyway?, Friends, Sex and the City, Dawson's Creek
Movie: sooo many...Grease, The Wedding Planner, Shrek....
Song: Looking Back on Today by the Ataris
Sesame Street Character: dunhavone
Rugrat: dunhavone
Character Residing in 100 Acre Woods: TIGGER!
-*ThiS oR ThAt*-
Real World or Road Rules: neither, i used to watch road rules though
MTV or VH1: Vh1
Nickelodeon or Disney: Disney
Jessica Simpson or Ashlee Simpson: eh i like em both just as much, which isn't a lot
Hilary Duff or Haylee Duff: idk Haylee but I don't like Hilary, sorry itsa stupid girl thing
AOL or AIM: Aim
Day or Night: night
Light or Dark: dark
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Crayons or Colored Pencils: colored pencils
Beach or Boardwalk: boardwalk
Mall or Movies: mall
Boys or Girls: boys
-*TrUe Or FaLsE*-
You'd take a bullet for a friend: TrUe
You'd die for love: TrUE
You'd kill for your best friend: um no, killing is bad
You'd kiss your best friend: if my best friend was male
All is fair in love and war: Nothing is fair in love and war
-*In ThE pAsT mOnTh, HaVe yOu*-
Drank alcohol: yes
Smoked cigarettes: no
Done drugs: no
Went to a party: yes? i think...
Cried: yes
Lied to your parents: yes
Got into an argument with a friend: yes
Got into a fight: not fist fight
Been to the movies: yes
Been to the mall: no :(
Broken the law: yep speed demon right here! ha thats a laugh
Fallen in love: I am in love
Who's your best friend: Hannah, Butt, Kar
Who would you choose between your best friend and all your other friends: for what?
Who's your other friends: everyone else
Would you take your family over your friends: depends
Do you think you will stay friends with all of your current best friends: hope so
How many people do you think you'll stay friends with in 20 years: 6.3
Do you trust all of your friends: some more then others
Can you laugh with all of your friends: yes
Do you love all of your friends: yes
-*ThE LaSt*-
Friend you went somewhere with: Max
- - where'd ya go?: Movies
Friend you had a sleepover with: Butt and Hannah
- - who's house did you sleepover?: mine
Argument you had: wow I don't remember
IM you recieved: From Chris saying Hey
Word you said: work
Person that signed on: ? dont know
TV Show you watched: Last comic standing for like 5 seconds
Movie you saw: The Village
Song you listened to: Happy Ending by Avikins!
-*LovE LiFe*-
Single or Taken: Taken
How long: a lil over 2 months
Are you in love?: yeah
If Single, who do you like?: --
How long have you been single?: --
Do you want a boyfriend?: --
Who was your first kiss?: Devon
Have you fallen in love?: yes
With who?: Maxifer
-*YeS oR n0*-
Do you believe in God?: yes
Do you love your life?: sometimes
Do you smile a lot?: yes
Do you live your life spontaneously?: not really
Are you the life of the party?: sometimes
-*What comes to mind when you hear*-
..snow?: white
..rain?: love it!
..tornado?: I'm a tornado!!!
..summer love?: had me a blast
..Jon?: plumley lol hot!
..Shea?: ha jess says that
..banana?: in pajamas
..dizzy?: spells
..white?: frost
..peppermint?: patty
..New Found Glory?: Head on Collision juice?: minute maid bear
..hate?: spinnerbait :) sucks
..President?: shot...whoa thats not good... field love
..death?: time daddy
..duuude?: suuuuuppp?
..the end?: blank
-*would you rather*-
Free movies for a year or free CDS for your life?: cds for life!
School or work?: school
Christmas or birthday?: christmas
Peanut Butter M&MS,Regular M&Ms, or Peanut M&MS?: plain
Dozen Roses or 3 boxes of chochlate?: oh man....thats tough...I'd say three boxes
Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts?: Julia Roberts
Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise?: well I like Tom's movies better but I like looking at Brad more...
Vanilla Pepsi or Vanilla coke?: coke
American Eagle or Abercromie and Fitch?: neither
Driving or flying?: flying
Roller skating or ice skating?: roller
Apples or oranges?: apples
Paris, France or Florence, Italy?: never been, wouldn't know
Punk'D or The Newlyweds?: neither
Jay Leno or David Letterman?: leno
New York or LA?: Never been, wouldn't know
AOL messenger or MSN messenger?: aim
Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt or J.LO/Ben Affleck?: jen and brad
Ralph Lauren or Tommy Hilfiger?: tommy
leaf raking or snow shoveling?: snow
black pen or blue pen?: black
WalMart or Target?: target
picnic under the stars or horse carriage in the park?: picnic
chochlate chip cookies or peanut butter cookies?: chocolate chip!!!!!
Kobe Bryant or Shaq?: dont care
basketball, baseball, or football?: FoOtBaLl
French fries,curly fries, or tator tots?: curly
Ben Affleck or Matt Damon?: ben affleck
Phoebe, Monica, or Rachel(off of FRIENDS)?: Phoebe lol