For those who understand what AOL really $tand$ for...
IAmCompuBear has been trying to cancel her AOL account for almost six months. They've lied to her, mislead her, and basically refused to do so, so long as they've been able to get $$$$ from **MY** Credit card account (which is what we set it up with),
I finally got someone at Cu$tomer $upport to cancel the account.
After running us over the credit limit the last three months ($39 each time they took their money). I also shut off the credit account totally (closed it).
This month, after canceling the account, we get a BILL from AOL telling us that they are "unable to withdraw the funds from your credit card account" (it's canceled, remember? They DID cancel it, which is why I had to change my screen name to "TheCompuFrog") and that we will "continue to be responsible for the account until and be billed until it is properly canceled"
I think they have a word for this... it is called FRAUD. And, since it is on a credit card, it is BANK FRAUD.