Wontons Herd a What?

Aug 06, 2007 04:23

So, Now How Brontosaurus Cow?

The time has come, Herodontus says, to speak of many things

of shorts, long shirts, of ceiling walks, of coal-burners and stings
and why my blood is bouillon hot, while I can not feel a thing

Of where we go when we are not of voice which of joy sings.

Tired I am, exhausted beyond my powers
energy I have no more, to extend to endless hours
of moving "stuff" and needful things I'd never thought I'd move
now to leave behind, as trash - now blind I must pretend, behoove

All too soon, but two weeks more, and a couple days
the home I'd lived in shameless bliss, shall cease to be mine
and all not moved, given to friends, or transferred on their ways
will find itself upon the street, for the neighbors and trash-men to find.

Were it not, for my children and some friends,
All we still owned or cared about would come to woeful ends
I can on no other than myself blame this tale of woe
Mayhaps 'tis better to stop now, all who can help know


I am about 30% moved, with a last reasonable day being the 24th of August.  I expect to leave a great deal behind - I needed to "downsize" (sad smile) but did not expect to be unable, physically, to actually do much but say yes or no to moving things.  I waaaaay underestimated what it would cost to pack, move, unpack - in both time and money -- and simply did not expect my body to betray me and become non-functional in non-diagnosable ways.

Mrs. Murphy's law triumphs! ("My husband is an optimist!")

Semi-locals watch this space as I intend to let people know when to show up to pick and choose from the trash to treasures I can not move or have space to keep.  3000 sq ft+garage+large walkspace won't fit in 1500 without.  Around the 26th will be my absolute drop-dead/give-up.

If you have time/energy/ability before then, ANY day or evening would be helpful.  And, if you help, you get first pick of many things.  Nice speakers, computer parts, and such have already found new homes.
I would much rather things go to places they are wanted and not the dump.

Yeah, there IS work (inc. packing and loading and moving and such) involved. 
Yeah, I know many of you are in as bad a physical condition (or worse) as I -- Can't extract teeth from a Roq!

Let me know if there is something you covet (wan smile) or need and I will try to put it aside for you.

Thank you, lintking,
boxofchatter, and cat's friends "L","Z", and the letters....
Without y'all, I would have no hope whatsoever.

To the couple of others who volunteered (and whose emails got eaten by a server failure and I didn't recover them until WAY too late (JCF and another) thank you as well.

I have not been very visible; there are many who have tried to help - I appreciate you all.  A month from now it will be over, in the past, fini, done, ended.  Maybe then I can recover and be myself again, type, play music, be happy, be a friend once more.  Let us hope.  At least let me hope.

Feel free to comment - replies are for my eyes only (Unless you specifically say otherwise, and even then...)

Right now, life sux - I have not handled it well recently.  But I am alive and intend to continue that anti-entropic endeavor.


"The avalanche has begun - it is too late for the pebbles to vote" - Kosh (paraphrase)

more to handle, frog's world

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