a bear's rambling!

Mar 10, 2009 11:16

This is why it is called a bears ramblings.

It still amazes me that things that happen in our childhood can so impact our lives even 35-40 years later.

When I was a child I was heavely bullied. This was an exceptable. (no longer thanks to Colimbine). When ever I would go to get a drink of water from the drinking fountain somone would slam my head into the sink. I learned that no matter how thirsty I was to never take a drink. I soon taught my brain to ignore any singlanls of thirst.  I do not any longer get thirsty. I do not even relize when I am geting dehidrated. If somone doesnt remond me to drink or I do not make a concerted efort to drink I dont notice. I can go all day in the hot sun and nevr getthirsty. This you might think is a benifit. a no. it does have some benifits. I don't sweat( not enough wter in me to sweat.) 
the bad effects. I have lost all my teeth (there al fake now) not do to lack of higne. But of having a dry mouth (which i dont even notice) the silvia helps protect teeth and redistribute calsium. My body hords watter I carry about 30 pounds of water weight. I can loose 20 pounds just by taking diretcs.  My digestion is all screwed up.  You think all of this would make me drink. Nope cause i no longer have a signal that says im thirsty drink.  Its amazing how somthing that simple can fuck up your whole life. Imagine how more horific things can really scew up your life.

Somone recently asked me why I write Erotica instead of anything else. 1. No one reads any of my other stuff no matter how good it is. I post one of my erotica stories on fubar and instanly 25 people will be reading it and I will get hundreds of comment of how good my stuff is. 2. Sex pays nothing else does.  I could write a 10000 word book of sci fi an dbe lucky if I get $1000 for it. You do the math. Not even my own family comments on stuff i write so whats the point. If there is no one to read it there is no point in writting it.
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