I wish I had a more exciting life right now to talk about. But then I would bore myself rehashing a day of work, or a day of classes. It's even worse though as all I have to talk about are the little things that make up my days. The days are long lately, and yet it's already March. Anyway
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"I wish I had a more exciting life right now to talk about. But then I would bore myself rehashing a day of work, or a day of classes. It's even worse though as all I have to talk about are the little things that make up my days. The days are long lately, and yet it's already March. Anyway."
We're old now Cheryl. Before you know it you'll be 47 and 3 months.
"JF and I bought a new XBOX game this weekend. "Carve". It's jet ski racing. I think it's really fun, which is good since we were aiming for a game we would both enjoy. But it's too bad that if I play too long it makes me motion sick. I can't figure out why! I am very sensitive to motion sickness normally, but never before from a video game. I think the tv might be too small, or I was sitting too close. I hope that it's that fixable, cause I'm awesome on the tricks. Woooo!"
I now what could cure your motion sickness, but you don't want to hear it. lol I wanna play!
"I can't wait until we have enough money to really expand our "entertainment library" as JF called it the other day. This means DVD's, CD's, video games, PC games, and the like. I would buy an Ipod in a minute if I could afford it. And Gilmore Girls DVD's (I have season 1 and 2, but that's it). I would probably buy a Gamecube too, as that seems to be the system with all the cute Mario games that I want to play, not all the ninja games that JF has on the XBOX. Bah. Anyway. I don't even own a DVD player (just a DVD drive on the computer) but I refuse to buy one right now cause JF has one, and there's no point in having 2 in 3 months. Waste of money."
I highly recommend Canadian movies. One just won an Oscar for best picture. That's got to count for something.
"It's really hard to not waste money, too. I haven't got much to do all day so it's tempting to go shopping, but no job means no money, so that's out. No wonder rich people who don't need to work spend so much time shopping. You always see the "shopaholics" on Oprah, making the poor people jealous and upset because they rack up $20,000 in debt because their bored. Oh, to be so bored! I could deal with that for a little while. Well, the shopping, not the debt. I have enough of that from school."
Stupid visa card. And oh boy, is osap starting to hurt. By the way, stop watching Oprah.
"So, what do I do all day then? Usually I'm home during the day (by myself) and out in the evenings. During the day I clean the house and surf the Internet. I look for jobs, read the news, talk to friends online who are home from class. I play the Sims 2. I work on my wedding plans. I keep busy."
Not to mention engaging conversations with Mark!
"On Monday nights I go to Girl Guides, where I'm a leader. We have a lot of fun with that. This is my 3rd year as a leader. All the leaders at our unit are young so we try to keep it really fun, while keeping the traditions we liked from when we were Guides. Last night, for example, we learned about the Postal Service. We went on a walk around the block looking for a mailbox, which we failed to find. On the way home I was one block down the street waiting on my bike for the light to change when I look over and there's a mailbox. I'll have to remember to point that out next week. Hehe."
What's a mailbox? Or a postal service?
"Tuesday night is girls' night. I hang out with Kaitie and Lara, usually at their house. Most often we watch Gilmore Girls together, ... GG is on a 6 week hiatus now I hear, so we're going to have to be more creative."
GG hasn't been the same since Rory went to university.
"Thursday has been Cheryl's-night-in to do absolutely nothing. We are toying with the idea of making it date night, since JF is so busy with school and will be until he's done now (only 4 and 1/2 weeks of class and then exams! yay!). Another milestone on the way to being married. Come on convocation!"
You can make it talk to Mark night! What? C'mon!
I have research and librariing to do. hurrah! (had to shorten the entry because LJ had a character limit)
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