Feb 06, 2006 01:50
I'm not a big fan of living alone. I have lived alone for about 5 months, a lot of which I have spent visiting my parents or generally not here, so really it hasn't been 5 months straight of sleeping in a house where only I am, but still a pretty good while. I can't wait for that to change. Here's why:
I like that all the food in the fridge is mine and when I put something there it stays there and waits for me. However, that also means the leftover hamburger meat from taco night with JF is also not moving until it either grows legs, or I actually get around to throwing it out.
I like that I never have to wait for a shower. I don't like that my head hits the ceiling when I am taking said shower because my bathroom is hobbit-sized.
I like using my own dishes again (I had to put them away for a year while I lived in Co-op and use sketchy dishes of unknown origins). I don't like that there are no kitchen cupboards for me to put them in. I also do not like that they don't magically wash themselves while I am sleeping.
I like that I have a living room that allows me to have my computer in a separate room from my bedroom for the first time in 4 years. (Ahh, the student lifestyle). I don't like that the living room still does not contain a couch after 5 months of living here.
I like that I don't have to pay the heating bill for this building. I hate that I never have control over the heat and the temperature in here goes from brr-why-are-my-feet-so-cold to why-am-I-sweating-so-much in about 20 minutes based on whether or not I have the heating vents opened.
Come June I won't have to worry about most of this (though I am aware dishes won't magically begin washing themselves once I get married, though one can always dream). Of course then I will have a boy to pick up after, one who is as good at getting his laundry done as I am. But at least I won't be living alone. There's some rambling from a girl who really hates turning out the lights and going to sleep in a house all alone, but alas it is 2am, so here I go again.