Okay, here we go...

Dec 13, 2005 22:14

So, I tried to make my journal at xanga more attractive but I just don't have the control over it like you seem to have on livejournal. So, I'm seriously considering moving my blog for the 4th time. I can't even remember who I started with, but the 2nd one was on danchan, then xanga, and now livejournal. I don't feel like going and reposting all the posts from my xanga journal so here is a link to it.


Maybe people will actually comment on my posts if I post here, and who knows, maybe I'll actually post something other than whining! I really need to update my website, but I have so many projects on the go that I can't really afford the time. I wish I did, cause it's been about a year since I added new content. I have this hilariously useless geocities account now for a wedding website at


but as you can see if you go there it's probably the most useless site on the Internet at the moment. I'm going to try to remember to actually use it one of these days. I got bored trying to upload a picture. That's not a good sign for the website. Maybe I'll make it on JF's computer as he has an awesome-fast connection, whereas I have a baby-slow-all-by-myself Internet connection.

So! If you actually read this somehow, expect wedding updates, life stories, whining (of course), updates on JF, Christmas news, gossip, weather and sports (haha), and I expect that if you have a livejournal account you have no excuse not to post a reply. So there.

BOOKMARK THIS OR MY WEBSITE AT www.geocities.com/ravengirl01
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