May 29, 2006 17:22
In my last post I said that I can't wait to move. While this is still true, today I am packing up my apartment and suddenly it seems a lot less fun than it did before. It's really hot in here. I only have one fan and it's on in the bedroom. The living room is really hot, so mostly I'm packing in the bedroom. I'm trying to be organized about it, but really I just want to be done. I was hoping JF would help me yesterday, but he didn't end up coming over until dinnertime and by then I was too tired to continue so I left it for the night.
Our last Guide meeting of the year is tonight in about 2 hours. I am excited because it's going to be a lot of fun, but also a little sad because it's another year coming to an end. You never know what the group is going to be like from year to year so I hope next year we'll get a group that's just as fun, but we'll have to see. I hope a lot of them will come back. It's going to be one big party tonight, so it should be really good.
We did end up getting the apartment that we looked at first. It was so much bigger and nicer than all the others so really it wasn't too hard of a decision. I still wanted to be sure though. I'm moving my stuff in tomorrow and then heading home to the parents' til the wedding. I am going to come up a few times to unpack and bring more stuff and visit JF, but mostly I'll be there til I'm married. That's so soon!
We're 3 weeks til the wedding now. It's crazy how much there is to do that has nothing to do with the wedding, but that must be done right now too. Packing and moving and setting up everything for phone and utilities there. We have to make plans and book things for the honeymoon. I guess that is wedding realted too, but not really a wedding detail.
My bridesmaids threw me a bachelorette party Saturday night. It was soooo much fun. There were so many girls who came, I am really impressed. We went out for dinner and had some drinks and were generally silly. I wore a veil out and we got soo much attention from everyone it was crazy. Strangers kept giving me drunken marriage advice. It was hilarious. And at the end of the night we were at Ale and we started talking to this group of guys and it turns out that one guy knew JF, and not only that, had sat next to him at convocation on Friday! It's a small world. How random was that! JF laughed at that when I told him.
So, I might not update much in here because I'll be really busy with details for the next few weeks, then a week-long honeymoon in PEI, so I'm sure to have lots of stories when I update next. Pray it's sunny on the 17th!