
Jan 15, 2015 20:57

Day 14: Keep positivity afloat when regarding debt.

I have three accounts in collections right now (that I'm aware of- ha!) I received a phone call about the account with the smallest balance, and the person on the other end of the phone actually had a heart. I've dealt with crummy collections agents in the past, I know that it sucks, so I normally avoid the phone calls. I'm glad I took this one though. He asked me questions about what's going on in my life, and felt sympathetic about my lack of job and people to help me out. He noted the account so that I can call back and make some small payments. It was a pleasant experience, and since I am actually trying to get myself out of debt, I was able to view the call as positive instead of pestering. I wish I could've given something to start paying it down, but I'm glad I wasn't bombarded with "ask your dying great aunt" or "sell your body" kind of naziism that they usually give you when trying to collect a debt.

I'm glad to be motivated to do this.
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