The end

Aug 23, 2007 05:14

And thus starts the beginning of the end of RA training. Today is freshman move-in!

I'm excited for the year to start, but not excited to have to move all these people in. It'll happen, I'll just die by the end of the night. We have to start at 6:45 and are done about 9 tonight...oh well.

About school: they keep changing things with my schedule. I mean nothing big, but still, stop changing the classroom please! I have about $180 for books, and my books are more like $500-$600. That means that I have to use my RA check for them, and that means that after all this training I'm still going to be poor for like 3 weeks. I'm like "Are you kidding me?!" Its ridiculous!

Oh well, I'll get through it I hope.
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