None of this is me, but it struck me.

Jul 22, 2009 11:46

"See, if we are to assume that some people are born in the wrong bodies - which is something I do believe, because few people are going to lop off perfectly working body parts, inject themselves with hormones, subject themselves to gruelling and oft-humiliating medical procedures, potentially alienate family members, and up their risk of being beaten to death simply because they woke up one morning and had some mild whim to be a man instead of a woman - then what we have is not a transformation.

It's a restoration.

We're getting you back to the body you should have had at birth. The body you've had all these years is uncomfortable, and the people around you want you to act in ways that make you itch, and we're just tweaking an error of nature to get you to where you should have been. It's not a transformation as we generally understand it - there is transformation involved, but the goal is to get you closer to where you feel you should have been." - TheFerrett
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