I blame...

Jul 05, 2008 08:03


1. Reply to THIS post, and I will select four or five of your userpics that I like.
2. Make a entry and talk about the icons I have chosen.
3. Other people will then comment on your entry and you will do the same as I have done for you.
4. Thus creating a NEVER ENDING icon squee.


This icon happens to be a picture of yours truly. It was taken with my very first web camera, in the apartment that I shared with pgnblade in North Albany when we were living in sin. That webcam showed me that I make the most interesting faces as I surf the net. This is one of those faces; the colorization was actually done with the camera settings, rather than after the fact in an image editing program. I wish I sould recall now if there was something specific that made me go Hrm-faced, or if I was just putting it on for the camera - I suspect it was the latter.


I freely admit I'm a bit of a browncoat, and have made several Firefly icons. This one stems from a scene wherein Mal had the crap scared out of him and yelled bwah, then insisted it was a fierce noise of a gunfighter. At the end of the scene he pointed the gun abruptly and whispered, "bwah" - as you see here. I think my tendency is to use this icon when I am trying to seem tough.


I alternately call this one "Breathe" or "Breath of Joy". It was made by tipsiturvi. It has, to my mind, a very pleasant effect, calming and joyful, and it's for entries WITH those aspects, or that NEED those aspects, that I use this. It makes me quietly happy.


Some Stars For You is a piece of art taken from the webcomic Exploding Dog. It's another very happy icon, feeling to me to be both giving and grateful, offering up an impossibility of beautiful proportions.
In going to make sure I had the right link for the comic, I could not resist clicking one of the more recent ones, as I haven't read in a while. It brought me to this one.


Frus.Tra.Tion. That is what WHERE ARE MY KEYS??? expresses for me - frustration, anger, thwarted desire/need, impotence. It is not at all a happy icon. It expresses that moment where you feel like you've searched EVERYwhere for what you need - on top of the TV, tossed the sofa cushion, bothered the cat - and are having a full-body freakout because it's unavailable to you. (A part of my also puts forth that this is that moment immediately prior to that moment of epiphany wherein you realize exactly where your proverbial keys are.) I made this icon, too.
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