soooo... i FINALLY did my profile/info/upload pix/add friends for my account ( ) . only took
like 9 months to decide to do it . hehe . it's actually a pretty cool
site, im enjoying myself messing around with it all and combing myspace
for all the peeps im friends with and know pretty well . up to 48
friends added in the past few days . w00t w00t . also, my last few blog
posts have been made @ my myspace site instead of here . no real reason
why other than that's where ive been spending most of my online time
loox like this week is socially going to be a busy one . tommorow go
see jess to have my hair cut (thank you so much jess!) . wednesday get
to finally meet becki in person for the 1st time, we're meeting up at
borders after she gets home from work . thursday shall be helping
walkersville mike with his new computer in regards with software luvins
for his dvd burner and a bunch o' other stuff. then finally friday, the
weekend begins... im sure i'll end up at sara's and im also trying to
go see the new version of charlie and the chocolate factory directed by
tim burton and has johnny depp playing the role of willy wonka (HOT!) .
...about time for sleeeepy sleep . prolly already stayed up too late
again 'cause didnt get much sleep over the weekend geting my party on
in richmond . so time to turn out the lights . turn on the radio to
930am to listen to the best talk radio show EVER! . nighty night everybody