stan lee is my hero, dontcha know.

Oct 26, 2009 14:52

Sorry to make another non-fic post so soon after the last one, but. I feel this is warranted.

Marvel fans! Are you tired of the mindfuckery and darkness inherent in current canon? Do you wish it were all fun and games and supervillains again? Do you just want to see an alternate universe where all your favourite characters are happy and alive? Have you read Marvel Adventures? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, come join xturncoatxiii's (and apparently mine too, who knew?) brand-spankin'-new community, marvelcapers!

Yesiree, at marvelcapers it's all Marvel Adventures, all the time. Post fic, hold discussions, host macro wars, encourage cracky MS Paint art! It's all in a day's work at marvelcapers!

What's that you say? I sound like a used-car salesman high on fandom? I say thee nay -- I've never sold a car in my life! But for those of you interested, Marvel Adventures is the good crack!


fandom: marvel, keeping my pimp hand strong

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