Doin' It For SCIENCE

Jul 19, 2009 21:11

Not related: Fuck, I go away for two days and my flist explodes into many scary pieces, all over the place. JEEPERS.

Anyway! remixredux09 has opened, and I have written something in it! You're welcome to go try and figure out which one's mine - I think stylistically it should be easy enough, though there are many fandoms of mine represented there, so that might makes things difficult. :D I welcome all guess attempts here! If you know which one it is, though, or specifics, you're not allowed to give it away.

Also, a Mysterious Remixer went and remixed the absolute last story I was expecting them to: Let's Hope They're Not Allergic, that cracky 'aliens made them do it' Merlin fic. The remix, Free Range Subjects (The Scientific Method Remix) is an absolute gem, giving it depth and an actual story, not to mention a great new perspective and, well, aliens. AMAZING ALIENS.

(Remixer, if you happen to read my journal, thank you again!)

I'll be posting more fic of my own, later - it needs typing.

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