Nowhere in the Corridors (SGA)

Feb 27, 2009 10:48

Title: Nowhere in the Corridors, or Things That Go Thump in the Night
Fandom: SGA
Wordcount: 1,363
Summary: Radek can't see like the others can. But he can hear things they can't.
Notes: Written for artword, along with kiki_miserychic's vid, Fiddle and the Drum. Go watch her vid either before or after; they work well together. Also, it's amazing. :D
Thanks to ladyyueh for her ( Read more... )

challenge: artword, fanfiction, fic: sga

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Comments 5

sapphirestar_ March 1 2009, 01:19:00 UTC
i don't really know what to say. i'm ridiculously tired, and i've read this twice, now, and it's gorgeous, and amazing, and i love how this is almost disjointed, hazy, confusing in its utter obviousness. it's clear what it's all about, what's going on, and yet there's a sense of something more lying in wait, just around the corner.

i love radek humming, singing his own lullaby to calm atlantis, and it's made such a stark contrast against john's oblivious beat, and i adore that, because that's exactly how it is, in my mind. and the way radek sees john? because he has to fight for something, and, just, yes, yes to all of it.

also, this:

You are listening to Atlantis hold her breath, to the thud-thud-thud of a heart that never powered a city so much as sustained a life - a hundred, two hundred lives. One life, fallen in the gate room ( ... )


iambickilometer March 1 2009, 22:11:58 UTC
Aw, Essi. I'm so glad you liked it. And I'm glad it came across as more than the immediately tangible - there's a whole lot of elements that didn't make it in, but I had in mind while writing.

Radek and John are pretty radically (yes I went there) different, and exploring that was fun.

:) you're a flatterer, you know. Thanks!

I needed a reason. That seemed believable. Plus, Rodney had to make it in at least in spirit (although it goes without saying that he was in the crowd around John in the end, shouting for a medical team and generally making a fuss).

Thanks again! (and you know I never mind long comments.) Stunning, vid, yes. I obsess over that vid. Guh.


sapphirestar_ March 2 2009, 02:11:41 UTC
you just had to say it, didn't you? xDD;; ... okay, well, i can't say i've never done it, so. but one can't not go there. THE POWER OF RADEK COMPELS US.

y'know, i can never hear the word "lemon" again without thinking about rodney. and whenever my sister drinks her lemon ice tea, i keep thinking "LE GASP! HOW CAN SHE! RODNEY'D DIE!" and it's almost ridiculous, the amount of brain!space sga's already taken over.

and as amazing!radek's on topic here, i have to say this: i read this fic. it was rononjohn, admittedly, but it had this bit where ronon and radek were all friends and cute and aslk;dls he thought of him as "little zelenka" and there was hugging and! radek's more and more awesome every day, omg, and now ronon-radek friendship is the cutest thing ever, i am not kidding. xD;


sabinelagrande March 1 2009, 04:24:54 UTC
I really love this fic. Your use of Radek's POV is particularly nice. It makes a really great companion to the vid, as well.


iambickilometer March 1 2009, 20:56:59 UTC
Thank you! Not enough people write from Radek-POV, I don't think, and he really is an amazing character.

The vid made the fic - before seeing it, the bits with John didn't exist, and I think the layering with someone else's story really helped. But then, the vid was just purely amazing.


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