A little glass vial?

Feb 09, 2009 15:42

such_heights is the purveyor of excellent memes.

Name a character or pairing from a fandom I'm familiar with, and I'll give you a song lyric (or possibly a line of poetry) that I think fits. If you felt inspired to write something using the quote as a prompt, I would not be unhappy.

Fandom list: Avatar, Chronicles of Narnia, CLAMP works, Criminal Minds, Discworld, Doctor Who, Dr Horrible, Firefly, Good Omens, Harry Potter, Havemercy, Kingdom Hearts (but only older major-ish characters), Lord of the Rings, Petshop of Horrors, Shakespeare, Stargate: Atlantis, Tamora Pierce's works (sans her newest), Torchwood.

In other news, I watched more Merlin this weekend, and then I wrote fic. So I'll probably be posting that soon.


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