I have a cunning plan, my lord...

Oct 03, 2008 20:44


Moving onward.

I was nosing about Holic fandom this evening as I am often wont to do, and I had an Idea. There was a lightbulb and everything. It was actually pretty cool.

But anyway, the idea is as follows:

You've read a lot of fanfiction, I'm assuming. You hang out here and you watch writers you like and maybe you write your own stuff. And you've seen a fic here and there that you thought was a great idea, but you would've done something different with it. Maybe you would've preferred a character to live who died. Maybe you'd have added some dialogue, or some introspection; maybe you simply would have written it in someone else's point of view.

Ever read a remix? A remix is where one writer will rewrite another writer's story - with permission and due credit, ideally. They're loads of fun to read, loads of fun to write, and this brings me to my Idea.

How's about a remix exchange?

I'm sure that we, being mostly a writerly bunch, have read each other's stories and spotted things we would've done differently. So I think it'll go something like this:

1. State your intention to join in a comment here, as well as which of your stories are fair game for remixes.
2. Read over other comments, and reply to the comment of the person you'd like to remix for (only one remix per person until everyone's got one)
3. Choose a story and remix!
4. Profit!

I guess if you want a format it'd go like this, though feel free to disregard utterly

Writerly Pursuits: [fandom, genre, whatever goes here]
Stories Free for Remixing: [can easily be a "everything except such-and-such" list]

I think the only thing else I ought to say is that your remix should retain plot and general pairings of the original. If you want to make a pairing more obvious, or less so, that's cool, but if it's, say, a Hamlet/Horatio fic, changing it to Hamlet/Laertes would be Not On. That's not a remix, that's a different story. The exception would be if you extended the story, or if this were going on between the lines or was otherwise added to the plot without replacing it.

Will this work? Only time will tell.

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