STOP! It's Dimension Shop Time!

Sep 24, 2008 20:38

well, since I'm pimpimg it everywhere else...

That's right, it's time for another round!


For those who have not heard of us, dimension_shop is an anonymous CLAMP fic and art exchange community in which your fic or art wishes will come true, provided you pay a fair and equal price - that is to say, fic or art for someone else.

Round Four is focusing on female characters, with a minimum of 750 words. Sign-ups have begun, and will continue until October 4th.

We hope to see you there!

Sign Up Here!

Got a question? Leave a comment here, or contact a MOD: doumeki, chaineddove, von_questenberg, or iambickilometer.

On a completely different note, have you guys noticed my new hobbit mood theme? I think it's fantastic.

challenge: dimension shop, message from our sponsor

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