and another one!

May 31, 2007 21:55

I tried for a bit of a lighter tone, so this comes somewhere around Jade and Outo. (I've realised that Jade and Outo leave no room between. But. Somewhere around there...)

Title: Satellites on Parade
Wordcount: 293
A/N: In Fai's POV, for once.

Kurogane was like nothing else, so it struck Fai as odd that it was so easy to see him in almost anything.

Case in point: the slowly-moving pinpoints of light that passed through his vision in the night sky. Satellites. He had never seen such a thing in any world, powered by harnessing the lightning and not at all magical. Inexplicably this description fit the ninja perfectly - powerful by a means beyond magic. By something stronger and more lasting.

He liked to think of himself spinning through darkness like a satellite, but although he had left behind his world of magic, he was not of the world of bright lightning that somehow fit Kurogane perfectly.

Not that he would ever say this to anyone. Poetry was beyond Syaoran, and Sakura wouldn’t quite understand that it wasn’t magic up in the night sky. To Sakura, everything was somehow magical. Mokona knew too much about the satellites, and would provide a better explanation that would nullify the comparison. And Kurogane himself?

Surely he wouldn’t appreciate it, being the subject of the comparison.

But that was the catch - a comparison. Fai couldn’t understand why the comparison was so apt, because Kurogane really was like nothing else. There was nothing like him in the world of ice and magic, nothing like him in the worlds they had passed through. And it was silly to find absurd resemblance in something man-made, floating high above the ground, lights blinking softly.

“Is this where you’ve got to?” grumbled a familiar voice. “Why do you get to lounge around while we do all the work?”

Fai smiled at the disgruntled ninja, and launched into another round of the kind of silliness he understood.

fanfiction, fic: tsubasa

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