Has anyone written fic based on the Thor movie yet? Are there communities? Anything? I really want to get my fanboy on but searching hasn't yielded me any results yet. My Google-fu is weak, folks, help me!
(also if anyone has/knows of icons, this would also be handy, as I don't trust myself to make good ones.)
I will in turn post links to anything I happen to find.
edit: You folks have been most helpful! Here's what I've got so far:
norsekink is the obligatory kink meme. Expect to find me there in my free time.
the one where Balder collects a rather unhinged Loki from SHIELD facilities, post-Avengers-movie speculation-
the one where Loki is hitting on Fandral for the lulz (by
hummingbirdmoth, NSFW)
the ones where Lex Luthor enters into an arrangement with Loki, and sometimes gods and mortals have more in common than either would expect. It's Electrifying by
waketosleep. Clint Barton is apparently an Avenger and a pretty good shot, but whatever, Darcy has a taser and no reluctance to use it. Clint is the damaged one if he finds that charming.
I believe the correct phrase for this fic is "HEARTS IN MY EYES".