question and snippet

Mar 07, 2010 19:54

Okay, another question, and then a snippet because I feel bad about using you guys and then not posting anything. I don't want to watch all of Season Two of Merlin at the moment, but I'm working on something that requires me to know a little bit about the character of Morgause. Which episodes should I watch to get what's going on with her ( Read more... )

fic: dcu, fanfiction, fic: young justice etc, message from our sponsor

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Comments 14

lonelywalker March 8 2010, 04:00:53 UTC

"Don't be a stranger," he says, and the words sound sort of familiar. Not like he's said it before, but like it's something that was said.

I really like all the tension and sadness there is between them here... and I am so glad there was random hugging later on in canon, because if this was all there was... *wails*


iambickilometer March 8 2010, 04:05:34 UTC
Did you catch the reference there? :D

Thanks! That issue was just everything I love about UST and fucked-up characters. But yeah, Red Robin #9 made everything okay, so I didn't feel bad writing issuetag and not making things okay.

(but oh my god, that hug. I am so glad I bought that issue. I have reread it so many times.)


lonelywalker March 8 2010, 04:18:40 UTC
Did you catch the reference there? :D

I'm thinking it was to do with Cissie, but it also seems a very Kent platitude too.


iambickilometer March 8 2010, 04:32:01 UTC
I was definitely referencing Cissie leaving Young Justice.


molokomolotov March 8 2010, 04:03:38 UTC
ep 8 and 12 according to wiki are the main ones that morgause is in.


iambickilometer March 8 2010, 05:26:42 UTC
Awesome, thanks!


kirax2 March 8 2010, 04:58:49 UTC
This is wonderful! It feels very much like a missing scene from the comics...and I TOTALLY agree with you about RR #9! *wibbles* I keep TRYING to get to the comic shop to buy it, but I can never seem to make it! ;_;

But they're already in separate worlds by now.

Awesome ending line. Just broke my heart. :(


iambickilometer March 8 2010, 05:24:28 UTC
Thanks! :D The comics have been so good to me lately. Inspiring all sorts of fic ideas. But yeah, RR #9 was the best of all of them. And that is extremely sad; I hope you manage to get to the comic shop soon!

:) But then things get better! And they hug!


reasdream March 8 2010, 12:29:46 UTC
"wow, there's a whole world of issues in there"

Oh, Tim.


iambickilometer March 10 2010, 17:52:28 UTC
So many issues. I love Tim so much.


(The comment has been removed)

iambickilometer March 10 2010, 23:41:17 UTC
Silly boys. Self-denial doesn't get you anywhere, dontcha know?

I appreciate it nonetheless! :D


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