idiot walking

Jul 13, 2005 17:29


to all ya'll who watch fox
your idiots

to all ya'll who watch CNN
your idiots

to all ya'll who watch MSNBC
your idiots

i watched BBC World for 15 minutes
and learned morre about the problems in the world then u'll see in 24 hours of any of those news networks

they have been led astray from the true nature of what they should be doing
they should be informing people of the goings on in the world
they have fed into the american lifestyle
and u'll hear more about michael jackson then you'll ever hear about asia or africa

they're blinded by stories that will bring in viewers
cough ARUBA

then by those that will be able to change the world

the media is their to inform people of what is going on in the earth they live in
not for their enterntainment
we have MTV for that
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